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Slowly , the old yellow school bus crawled to the curb of the sidewalk. This is it. Just step on , everything will be okay. You'll love it in the end. The ancient doors creaked open and a drunken appearing driver grinned at me. His blue uniform hadn't been washed for possibly weeks , and his skin was greasy as was his scabby black hair.  I stepped up into the bus. 

"New , are you sweetie?" smiled the driver , his grungy green teeth showing.

"Uh...Yeah." I cringeingly smiled. 

I turned around to see a whole bunch of loonitics. Every seat was taken. All the people had hoodies over their uniform. Their ages ranged from 12 to 16. All their faces cringed as they saw me search for a empty seat. Right at the back , I spotted a young girl sitting on her own in a two seater. She had light blonde hair , with bright blue eyes that shone in the sunlight. 

"Uh..Hi." I whispered to her. "Can I sit her?"

She turned to face me and smiled. "Sure!"

I settled down on the cold , metal seat. I swung my bag off my back and held it on my lap. Quietly , we sat , silently , for a long period of time. 

"Oh! Amelia!" shouted a deep voice. 

I spun my head around to see a young man , climbing over his seat. He reminded me of a monkey. Swinging over his seat. 

"What , Zakk?" She groaned.

"Who's your friend?!" He winked.

I flicked my hair and fiddled with my bag , slightly blushing.

"Oh..Uh..What's your name?" Amelia pondered.

"Uh...Jessica, but call me Jess please."

"Okay...Well Zakk , this is Jess." Amelia giggled.

"Hellooooo Jess! Woohoo! Ain't you smoking?!" Zakk swung across the seat , making people groan.

"Uh...Thanks?" I replied , blushing.

He flicked his brunnette locks. "So where you from?"

"Canada." I shyly smiled.

"Cool!" He laughed.

Before I knew it the old bus creaked to a halt and my new school stood before me.

"It's big huh?" I nudged Amelia.

"Humph..I suppose!" She laughed. "Never really notice."

"Where you girls off to then?" Smirked Zakk.

"Well , I have to get my planner from ..." I checked my notebook. "Mr...Ka-Kaza-Kazawilly?" 

Amelia and Zakk burst out laughing , clutching their bellies. 

"Nooo!" Screeched Amelia. "His name is Mr.Kazawale."

"Oh!" I blushed, beginning to laugh.

"Ill be seeing you then , girls." winked Zakk. "Meet me at lunch , Jess?"

"..Uh..Sure!" I smiled. "Amelia will you show me to Mr.Kazawale's office please?"

"Yep!" She grinned , popping the p.

Once, Zakk had left Amelia wouldn't stop aggravating me. Telling me he fanced me and I fanced him.


But secretly inside. I knew that was a lie.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2012 ⏰

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