Chapter Three:

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Stan POV:

It kinda hurt my heart when Kyle mentioned Wendy. I don't love her, I don't even remotely like her more than just a friend. She's literally a cover-up for my Sexuality. I'm Gay. There, I said it, I've known forever. Ever since Tweek and Craig six years ago, I realized that I wasn't into girls. I realized I was in love with my super best friend, Kyle mother fucking Broflovski. But... He will never love me back.

"Hey... Uh... Stan, can I try something?" He asked awkwardly. I smiled reassuringly and nodded.

"Sure, go ahead," I said. Kyle bit his lip nervously, before pressing his soft lips to mine. I was shocked so I didn't kiss back. Kyle broke away quickly, hurt flashing over his features before it was washed away by guilt.

"Oh shit, Sorry Stan, fuck! I shouldn't have done that, you're straight and... and you have a girlfriend." He said quickly, I could tell he was close to Hyperventilating.

"Kyle! KYLE BROFLOVSKI! Calm down. I'm not angry at you." I said, he looked at me with large watery eyes. "In fact... I liked the kiss." I added softly, before pressing my own lips to his, his eyes widened in shock before he melted into the kiss. I kissed him harder and more passionately, so he kissed back with almost as much force. We only broke away when we heard Gerald's voice echo throughout the house.

"Boys! I'm home." He said. I smiled at Kyle, whose cheeks had probably gone the same shade of red as his unruly hair. He smiled back, slightly dazed. Ike came into the room, texting away on his phone as he informed us dinner was ready. I jumped up, pulling Kyle with me as we went to the dining room.Sheila eyeing us carefully, before winking at me.

Kyle blushed at his mother's actions and we sat at the table. Eating in silence.

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