Chapter 1

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20 years later

Ugh. again. i will never catch that stupid rabbit Miranth thought as she chased after it. Curse these stupid wings they are useless she thought. She could not remember why she had these wings all she could remember was waking up on the ground really sore in this valley that she had been trapped in for the past 20 or so years. Her wings were okay but she did not know how to control them. She had tried flying out but she would always crash into the valley walls, she had tried climbing but failed, she had tried everything but failed. She sighed and walked back to the cave in the lowest bit of the valley giving up on the rabbit. As she was heading back she felt drops of rain splattering down on her getting more intense as she went along to her cave. Puddles started to form, Miranth saw the animals retreating to the highest ground they could find. Flash flood she thought and she started to run to the tallest tree in the middle of the valley.

Miranth climbed up it really fast all the way to the top where in her boredom she had built a tree house that doubled as a boat just big enough for her. The water was filling the valley fast now it was now rising up the trunk. Miranth could swim just not that well, she manged to push the boat loose and jump into it. Now when the water hit she would be safe lots of other critters jumped into the boat with her and she did not mind food for the journey she thought. Than the pattering of the rain increased and sped up making the water level rise FAST.

When it hit her she nearly lurched out of the boat, whoa she thought with indignity. Wait she thought this could be my chance to get out of here. Miranth started to paddle towards the valley walls her tail dragging in the water. Miranth reached for the valley wall and started to climb this is the closest i have ever gotten to the top she thought as she climbed. She hauled herself over the edge and sighed "freedom" to the wind as rain pattered her face, then she collapsed with exhaustion.

"Um hello, why are you out here" Miranth awoke a pair of talons in her eyesight she looked up a large black shape looming above her standing threateningly. "who are you" she asked rising up and wincing at the chill that shot through her cold bones. "well i am Nightlight an Electrictail" the stranger answered. "whats an Electrictail?" she replied, "a species of wyvern" he replied "don't you know that?". "Ummm no?" she said " I have kind of been trapped in a valley for the past 20 years soo...". "Really?" he said suspiciously "why didn't you just fly out?". "well i kinda can't fly" Miranth said, the black/blue dragon stared at her with a shocked concerned expression on his snout. "YOU CAN'T FLY!" he said with the most hilariously weird but funny expression, that could not stop Miranth from letting out a slight chuckle. "you think it's funny that you can't FLY!" he shouted "no" she said lifting one of her wings to cover her ever growing grin " no it was just your facial expression" she said breaking into spontaneous laughter. He tried to look at her with a serious expression but then he started to laugh "you are a strange wyvern" he remarked". "can you teach me to fly" she asked with hopefulness " , "fine" he replied " but there are not many friendly wyverns out there be careful who you trust".

AN The Cover is coming soon

The Wyverns of Dralagiaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن