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Far up in the mountains away from human kind a single leaf fell off the a fire flower tree, the last leaf. it landed on a long small silver snout that snuffed it away. "Mother!" the little snout said " the last leaf has fallen we have to leave this place before winter comes!". A great hulking shape came out of the cave that was near the tree, it stretched its long silver wings into the moonlight. The creature had long silver horns and was very large, it had spikes that looked like sword blades coming from its back, it had a tail with a sharp scythe like tip. This was a Wyvern. " we shall leave at first light" the Wyvern pronounced. the younger wyvern was giddy with excitement as this was her first time migrating from the mountains she was born in. The two wyverns retreated back into the cave as the first streaks of dawn came running through the mountains.

Mother and daughter grabbed their precious few belongings and took to the air the younger one on her mothers back. "Miranth" the mother said " i will be ascending into the jet streams to get us to dragon island faster". The Younger dragon clinged to her mother as she rose up then.... WHOOSH!. She and her mother went three times the speed they just went before. They were in the jet stream for an hour before her mother pulled out and headed to the edge of the mountain range. Her mother saw a black shape in the distance and whispered "stay low" to Miranth, the shape came closer it was a species of wyvern a Posiontail a mortal enemy of her species of wyvern which was a Windtail. The black shape sped up its fangs bared at them, these wyverns breathed a foggy fire that could kill humans and render other wyverns unconscious. The Wyvern slammed into Miranth and her mother nearly knocking Miranth off.

"i know you" the Poisontail whispered to Miranths mother " you were the leader of the rebellion". "ummm... no i wasn't" Miranths mother said unconvincingly. "oh really" the other wyvern replied " you led the rebellion that killed thousands of wyverns who were loyal to the royal family, all other Windtails on this planet were killed in result of YOU, that is why you must DIE!". He whacked into Miranths mother knocking off Miranth, she started to fall as her wings were not strong enough to hold her up. "MOTHER!!!!!!" she screamed as she saw her mother get stabbed in the chest. Her mother fell straight past her speeding up each second. Miranth was falling but not as fast as her mother she watched the Poisontail smirk and fly off. Miranth watched the ground get closer then thump, darkness. 

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