There were no words as Tyler began to question him with his high-pitch heavenly tone, and wondrous plump lips. His dainty finger poking at Joshua's bicep to get it out of him, but the faded blue hue wasn't budging.

"Jishwa!" Tyler squealed as Joshua went to poke back, but at the small of Tyler's side, causing his little love to erupt in a fit of more laughter.

"Just wait, baby, I got us an amazing spot."

Tyler only pouted and stuck his tongue out at his lover, getting yet another poke to his pudgy side, and a delicate squeal from those honey, beautiful lips of his.


The view was absolutely gorgeous.

There were no words that escaped from his daisy's lips as his doe-eyes grew wide, and gasped at the sight before them when they arrived upon the tip of the hill. An expanse of grass escaped under their feet, leading to an edge that steeped down to a beach of the lake, and they were overwhelmed with the amount of Redwoods clouding above.

Joshua's hands reached around his little love's waist, kissing upon his pure, tan skin of his neck, and getting a wiggle from the younger boy.

"Jishwa, it's beautiful!"

"Just like you, daisy."

"You say the silliest of things, sunshine." Tyler kissed his lips, silencing him from any further of his silly words, and getting a separating grin from the older boy as they pressured their foreheads together. Their warmth overflowing their veins, and grasping at their hearts as Joshua began to pick up his little love by the back of his thighs.

The cherry cheek brunet squealed, hooking his arms tightly around his lovers neck, hiding his face in the expanse of pale skin, and breathing in the heavenly lavender.

"D-Don't drop me, Jishwa!"

There was a squeeze upon his pudgy bottom, and another squeal escaping his plump lips.

"Hey!" Tyler giggled, getting a pressuring kiss to his cherry cheek, and adoring words from the older boy.

"I'm ready to have my kisses now."

There's was a small oof as Joshua dropped his little love upon there soft mattress after opening the back of their small home, white blankets surrounding the angelic being and a faded blue hue hovering him as he leaned down to grasp those plump lips with his own.

Tyler didn't resist as Joshua's hand felt under his shirt, and squeezed upon the pure skin that he prayed to each night. Another little giggle escaping the honey hue as he took his trembling hands upon that scruffy chin, pulling away with a red string between them, and their hearts overfilling with adoration.

"How many kisses do you want, sunshine?"

"As many as you'll have, daisy."

"Then kiss me until my lips begin to grow sore."



There was a gentle beat filtering their ears, and escaping as if it were the breeze amongst the trees. The slight crackle of the fire fueled their veins, and the night sky causing a pigment of their skin to turn heavenly, even though it reached such lengths already.

high frequency 『book two』 Where stories live. Discover now