A U G U S T 1 / 2

Start from the beginning

Joshua kissed each knuckle after they dried, and the blue hue relished in the delicate giggles his little love made.

The cherry cheek brunet escaped him, though, eyes threatening as the boy made his way to the ticket booth.

His voice thickened with daisies.

"What're you day-dreaming about, sunshine?"

Joshua grinned, stepping forward to wrap a arm around the small of Tyler's waist, and gentle kiss to his temple.


Those plump lips stayed silent, but held the shyest smile, and rosy cheeks that bloomed so heavenly.

"You say the silliest things."

Inevitably, he caught that whisper that made his heart feel like the sun, bright and heavenly, the safety for Earth.

They were quick to get their wristbands, a semblance for them to get on any ride they wanted to, and once Joshua helped with slipping Tyler's on, their hands never left one another has they explored.

Eyes fast with the reflection of neon, and screams of joy.

Their first victim was a ride so beautiful, the swing ride, joyous with long chains and sturdy chairs. Joshua held his little love close as they gathered themselves in line, holding small whispers and heavenly giggles. Though a pair never left the other, for that angel was limerence to the blue hue, and he was addicted.

Their lips met suddenly, softly and slowly, and Tyler smiled with their kiss. This secrecy of lip-lock only held gentle looks of happiness, and small smiles from strangers as they both flushed away from their heaven.

Joshua made sure to help his little love on his chair before sitting in the one right next to his, where they could hold hands in the air, and share childish laughter. The conductor to the ride did his rounds in checking if each passenger was secured, and left the platform in seconds.

The music held resemblance to the past, and Tyler squealed as they began to rise in altitude. Joshua held his hand out, and Tyler entwined without the notice of his eyes, but the feeling of warmth close. The feeling of home as they glanced to one another as they began to laugh within the air they overwhelmed. Swirling themselves as the ride began to twirl them. Swings reaching height as the pace grew faster, and doe-eyes closing tight as he screamed happily. The blue hue only held on tighter, wind slipping through their hair, and sweeping each strand back.

They reached the heavens.

Cooling to their souls as the ride lasted a minute or two before settling down, and setting them back to the metal upon their feet. Tyler let out a gasping breath, giggles pervading, and Joshua was in awe as his breath ran for his lungs.

Freedom licked at their waists, and Joshua pulled his little love close as they exited from the close heaven. Lips met those plump ones, and their smiles cherished lovely through the night air.

And through that very night, they reached each peak to each ride, laughter overwhelming and sweet whispering of adoration for one another. They stuffed their faces with popcorn and strawberry filled, funnel cake. Their lips met hot chocolate, sucking down in their blue souls, and they joined for one more ride.

The cliché ferris wheel.

Tyler couldn't hold his excitement to reach the tippy-top, and Joshua couldn't help the nerves that ran his mind. Though, his hand never left his angel's, and his lavender tone overwhelmed the honey boy's smile.

They sat down in a painted seat of red and pink, secluding themselves tightly together, and securing themselves inside. Tyler leaned his head on Joshua's shoulder, and Joshua couldn't help but to lay his lips on his little love's forehead.

"Hello, beautiful."

The cherry cheek brunet's smile grew, and he peaked up as they lifted from the ground. Neon lights relished upon their skin, and all they could do in that moment was gaze into one another's eyes, and think of the world of one another. They don't know when the gap between them closed, they usually don't because they're so used to the feeling of this love. Slowly, they enveloped their tongues, entwining them for safety, and gasping as they pulled away. Their foreheads warmed together, and their smiles overwhelmed in red roses.

"Hi, handsome."

Joshua grinned, lips meeting the boop of his little love's nose where he got the most sweetest giggle.

"Did you have fun today?"

Tyler nodded, hands tightly entwining  with his love as he leaned his head once again to Joshua's broad shoulder. "I always have fun when I'm with you, sunshine."

"That's so cliché, daisy."

The cherry cheek brunet giggled, setting his plump lips against Joshua's shoulder before hugging arm tightly, and cuddling into his side.

"I just love you enough to be cliché."

Joshua only smiled brightly, kissing Tyler's forehead as they stopped at the tippy-top. The view beautiful before them, and heavenly gasps as Tyler looked out. Though, the blue hue's gaze was at his little loves, and his nerves filtered the soft pads of his fingers as he whispered those soft words to the angel before him.

Tyler's doe-eyes wide, and snapping his view to his lover.



a/n: hi.

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- 麻美

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