Getting to know Jack

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Jack's POV

I carried (Y/N) outside to the backyard. "Seriously, though. Is everything okay in that head of yours?" They seemed a bit off and shaky. "Yeah, it's just that I've watched your channel for a very long time, and meeting you was my dream. But now, here I am, being held by my hero." I'm pretty sure my face got a bit red. "Now I understand why you kept asking of this is realty and not a dream." (Y/N)'s face went as red as a tomato. "You feel like you can walk?" I asked. "Yeah, maybe." I set her down, and she hugged me. I had to hug back. This was so cute! After 10 seconds of hugging, she let go, and started walking. "Hey Jack?" "What is it?" "When are you gonna see Mark again? You guys haven't made a video together for a long time! Or is this because of Septiplier?" I hesitated. How do I answer that? It wouldn't make sense if I told her. "I-I have my reasons..W-we both do." Dodged it. The truth. As much as I hate lying, I didn't want to speak a word about what really happened. "Why did you ask, (Y/N)?" "I just wanted to know." Clouds started to fill the sky. Looks like it might storm tonight. "Let's get inside. It's gonna start raining soon. I gotta record before Halloween anyway."

Your POV

Something seemed a bit off. Jack wasn't really...Himself. "Alright." You raced Jack inside. You beat him inside and tried to catch your breath. You flopped onto the couch, Jack sitting beside you, also trying to catch his breath. "Y-yer a fast runner, (Y/N)!" You chuckled through your deep breathes.

???'s POV

He's getting weaker. I should be able to break through soon. Maybe while he's recording! Oooh, that'll be so fun!

Your POV

"Hey, REAL ma, can I record here?" Jack said. "Sure, if you don't mind recording in the basement. Need anything for the video, Jack?" "I need a pumpkin and some carvin' equipment." "Well, I have a pumpkin, but no carving equipment. Are knifes okay?" "Ye'. Thanks!" "No problem!"

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