save me the last dance

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*Damon POV*

“Good morning handsome” Rosa smiled at me then kissed my cheek.

“you were watching me sleep again” I accused.

“you watch me too” she shrugged.

“is it creepy or romantic?” I asked.

“both... which means we shouldn’t be doing it, but we will anyway” she smiled and then jumped out of bed. I sat up and watched as she searched through our wardrobe for something to wear. Eventually she found a pair of black skinny jeans and a green tank top and quickly changed into that, while I put on my signature black outfit.

*Rosa POV*

“you really think Bonnie can take on Klaus” Stefan asked Damon and I. We had been kicked out of the house while Elena signed the deeds.

“no, that's why I am doing it” I told them both.

“what, no, no way am I letting you do that” Damon shouted. And there is the reason I kept it a secret until after I did it.

“you will, you cannot stop me, I already took all the powers” I whispered, not wanting to start a fight with him.

“no Bonnie did, I was there” Damon frowned.

“you were there up until you had to get out. I was always going to do it Damon, I am a vampire too, I am stronger” I told him. Well I wasn’t always going to do it, the Spirits chose me and rejected Bonnie, there is a difference... not that he needed to know that.

“so why are you only telling us this now” Stefan asked.

“because I knew you would stop me” I shrugged.

“with good fucking reason Rosa, can you not give them to Bonnie or something” Damon snapped.

“they wanted me to do it Damon, that is what the spirits were saying, they were calling me” I whispered. This is what Bree meant by my purpose, I am sure of it.

“so can you kill him when we find him. Can you do a tracking spell” Stefan muttered.

“yep, they told me how to kill him and nope I need something that belongs to him” I smiled at them as Elena opened the front door. All three of us walked up to the door and Elena walked off. We stood and waited for her to realise we needed to be invited in.

“I am sorry, I totally forgot... Stefan, Rosa, would you like to come into my house” Elena smiled at us and we both stepped in.

“thank you” I smiled at her and turned around to wait for her to invite Damon in.

“what are we, 12” Damon asked staying outside.

“Elena, please just let him in” I sighed.

“if I let you in do you promise to obey the owner of this house” Elena asked him.

“no” he frowned.

“Seriously Damon, my way... you promised” Elena frowned.

“Damon” I sighed at his pouting face as he looked away to think through what Elena had said.

“I call the shots, no lies and no secret agendas... remember” Elena continued. Damon looked up and took a deep breath in.

“yes Elena... sure” he sighed.

“Then please come in” Elena offered. Damon walked in and then walked straight passed me without a word.

“ignoring me for the rest of the day... mature Damon” I scoffed and then stormed out of the room.

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