Mate Unneeded

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Full Summary: Alpha Jacob Tudor has to much on his plate then to worry about a mate, Young Anthony Mason has his family to support and cant worry about a boyfriend. Both are running from A little something called love, but you cant change fate, she always gets her way. Will Jacob accept his mate is a male? Will his pack? Can Anthony adjust to the world he only saw as once human and love Jacob as he should?

"You're mine.." he growled gripping his arm

"I'm no ones and I'm certainty not yours Jacob Tudor!" He glared snatching his arm away

Cutie Ant above ^

Part I

Chapter One-Mate Unneeded

"Alpha we've run the borers."


"We didn't smell any leeches." Jackson pipped up, the pups chest puffed with pride- he was proud to be apart of the strongest pack in the nation, and their Alpha was a great leader. Jacob sighed rubbing his hand over the stubble on his face, the twenty-five year old sucked on his teeth; his dark eyes scanning the large territory that they owned. Just because they didn't find any doesn't mean they're not out there. His pack needed all the protection they could get.

"Signal the O'Malleys" he huffed, he had no choice but to call on the coven their ancestors let live on the land eons ago-these vampires where getting harder to track, and catch. Hurting the people of his tribe and kidnapping women, he needed it to stop.

"Do we have to?"Jackson grouched, he didn't really care for vampires since his mate Ashlyn was attacked a few months ago.

"They can help, Jay call O'Malley for a meeting at the border at nightfall." Jay the beta nodded bowing and turning to leave. Jacob barked orders at the rest of his pack members and fells back into his chair. His cellphone buzzing loudly in his pocket, he fished it out quickly grinning at the ID.

"Hello big boy" The voice purred over the cellphone.

"Victoria" He grinned


New Town.
New People.
New School.

Anthony  Mason watched the trees pass him, as they entered the new town he and his family now called home, he wasn't going to lie and say he didn't miss Ireland; because he did. It was where he was born and raised as a lad, but after the death of his father his mother needed money-The Americas offered money that their tiny family needed.

"Teddy Look it!" Emmi screeched; his four year old sister bounced around as did the bright red curls on top of her head and shamrock eyes that favored his own glowed. She was excited for the new town, a giant ball of energy and sweetness. She could worm her way into anything and everyone, pulling up to the small cottage in the middle of the woods he helped her out placing her on his hip.

"Its like Snow Whites!" She grinned bouncing again.

"Wanna go look inside?" he whispered grinning at her, her bright smile made everything seem ok.

"Yes!" jumping down she rushed towards the door as his mother pulled out their suitcases.

"Do you like it?" she asked brushing away a chestnut curl from her face.

"Its perfect." He picked put everything from the backseat swatting her hand away.
"Go rest or something I got it."

"IT HAS A GARDEN!" Emmi screamed Elizabeth laughed walking into the house to find her active child. Looking around he had a strange feeling about Maplefield  , it wasn't a bad kind, but it wasn't a good one either-he couldn't put his finger on it. Walking towards the house he didn't notice eyes watching him as he did.

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