People who think they are right

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These types of people think they need to be right all the time, no matter what. You can forget that there is a city that someone goes to and forget that that is the name of the city or town or whatever. They will correct you and you argue with them until you give up, then later realize that it is the name of the place and say that you forgot and they will continue to argue with you about it. Otherwise you can be talking about one of your favorite movies or shows and say something and they will tell you you're wrong and proceed to ague with you about something that stupid (even though you know more about the show or if it is a movie you have watched thousands of times).

Have you ever wondered what a song was about? I have and it just so happens to be a song that everyone in choir sang. I told my friend what it was about and she said that it wasn't. I looked it up and showed it to her and she still told me that I was wrong. Why? Can't people realize that not everything has to go their way?? It's common sense.

Sometimes they will argue with you about homework or whatever. You can do something the way the teacher told you to and they will say that you did it wrong. They will tell you all the reasons on why they did it right and you did it wrong. You leave it and when you get it back you see that yours is right and theirs is wrong. I mean seriously, what is going through peoples heads when they tell you everything you do is wrong.

 I'll admit that I sometimes tell people that they are wrong but sometimes I'll admit when I am wrong when I say I'm right. I'll even do it when I know I'm right just to get the other person to stop talking and make them "happy" for some reason I don't know yet. Is it to keep a friend or to just simply get them to shut up and leave me alone when it's something stupid like a movie, book, song, town, homework, or whatever else. you don't really know for sure what goes through a persons head when they say or do stuff like that.

Usually you can tell who a true friend when they do stuff like that to you. If they don't stop arguing or giving you reasons as to why you are wrong it usually is something to make them feel like they are better than you. That isn't what friends do. Friends usually tell you if you are wrong and not argue with you unless it is something that you absolutely are getting wrong. 

Types of People in High Schoolحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن