Chapter 8

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Jordan figured that she had gotten minutes of peace between the time that Ronan left and her father showed up.

He came storming in through the back entrance, a sure sign that he had come from the security house. Mrs. Mune had declared that she didn't think Jordan was dying so she was going to go back to bed and the night nurse would be back on duty.

Well, the poor night nurse didn't know what to do in the face of an angry Weston Pierce.

Luckily, Jordan did. All she had to do was softly call out, "Dad."

His attention snapped away from glaring at the night nurse to her face in a moment. Side stepping her, he walked over to the bed and gave all of his attention to his daughter.

"What the hell happened? Are you okay?" he asked her.

Jordan nodded that she was fine and motioned for him to sit down. For a few moments, he refused. And then he let out a deep breath and something inside of him just seemed to collapse.

"It was an accident in training," Jordan admitted after several minutes of silence had passed.

"What the hell happened?" he repeated, it seemed like that was one of the few lines that he could come up with.

"A branch gave out," Jordan tried to smile.

Weston wasn't so easily appeased. His daughter had been hurt, and he intended to find out why she was put in a position to be hurt had happened. And then he was going to go for blood. He wanted to absolutely destroy whoever was responsible.

But then his daughter moved, and tried to calm him down. Instantly his bloodlust was replaced with concern solely for his daughter. Death and pain could wait another day. First things first. Getting his daughter into a safe place.

No offense to the nurses in this place, but Weston doubted that they could protect against a stray cat. Much less a rogue witch coven.

Putting on a happy face, Weston pestered her with questions. But she was mostly silent, as was normal. The only time that she made a direct answer was when Weston asked if she wanted to return to the apartment. There was no reason for her to stay, as far as Wes could see. It was only making her uncomfortable. Jordan might have changed a lot since coming to this school, she was a lot more open now, but she still preferred to be alone. Away from prying eyes.

Weston stood up and walked over to the other side of the small bed. It would be better to carry her away from her bad arm. No need to add to her pain. Jordan smiled at him and he had to smile back at her. It had been a long time since he had carried his little girl like this. She had been a lot smaller then.

As gently as he could, he picked her up and started out the door. The night nurse had a conniption, she tried to refuse him. But he shot her the deadliest look of her life; immediately, she was silenced. She didn't even dare to approach them after that.

She scurried back and away towards the door of the head nurse, but it was too late. They were already gone. It was such a relief to be back out in the night air, immediately, Jordan began to relax.

As they were walking, Wes filled the silence. He explained how he had come to find out that his little girl was injured and how he had immediately left the security office. His boss had not been too pleased at this and most likely, tomorrow he would get yelled at. But that was neither here nor there. His daughter had been injured, nothing could have kept him away. He figured that he would be fine, his boss had a kid of her own and she should understand. Still, he had left two kids at the building. Apparently they had been trying to sneak off campus when they had gotten the call.

The Other SideOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora