Chapter 1

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"Hold still Avery". Alice ordered placing the vail on the back of my hair. I let out a sigh and crossed my arms.
   "You know I don't like being treated like a Barbie Alice". I reminded her. She rolled her eyes at me and stepped back.
   "Oh your fine sweetie". She replied. Looking over at Bella I groaned and shook my head. This was not how I wanted to spend my Friday night, getting fitted for my wedding dress.
It had been three months since the Volturi had come and Alice had been making my life terrible. It seemed that everyday I was back at the Cullen house having her work on my wedding dress and I was beginning to regret asking her to do so. Although I loved Alice as a sister when it came to fashion she could go over the top and both me and Bella knew that first hand.
   "Alice..". I groaned at her. She smiled and took the veil off. "Alrighty fine, but next time no more arguing!". She gave in. I smiled pulling my flannel back on. Bella rolled her eyes and walked over to me.
    "She can be such a pain sometimes".
Bella smiled. "She's just trying to make you look beautiful Avery".
I sighed. "I know, but I asked her not to go over the top. Jasper and I agreed that we wanted a small wedding".
   "How'd you get Jasper to agree to that? Last time I talked to him he wanted a large wedding".
  "Well..." I sighed. "I told him that he if wanted a romantic tropical island honeymoon then we would have to have a smaller wedding". Bella raised an eyebrow at me then crossed her arms over chest.
   "I see and how does this work with Alice's vision?" She smirked.  
"It's doesn't..." I trailed off.
   "You know she's going to do what she wants regardless of what you tell her". Bella told to me. I put my hands on my hip. "I know".
  "If you weren't Jasper's Avery I'd eat you up". Hearing Emmett's comment I rolled my eyes at him. "Haha your so funny". He chuckled. "You don't need me for that". I added. "You have Rose for that".
He shrugged. "Yeah I do and she's a lot better then you red". Laughing I shook my head.
   "Emmett I hope your not thinking of stealing my finance away from me?" Without turning around I knew it was Jasper's voice. The butterflies in my stomach fluttered around making me blush.
   "No way. Your good bro". Emmett replied leaving the room. Turning I smiled up at Jasper as he pulled me close to him.
   "Hi". He grinned.
   "Hi yourself". I said back burying my face in his chest.
   "You smell so good". Jasper said startling me. I looked up at him with a freaked out expression and he just laughed at me.
   "Don't smell me. That's just creepy". I demanded. He continued to laugh at my expression.
  "I can't help it you smell so delicious". He whispered engulfing my smell once again. Pulling away from him I crossed my arms over chest.
  "Hey if all your going to do is continuing smelling me then I'm going to Charlie's for the night". I stated. He smirked and reached out for my arm.
   "I'm sorry. I promise I'll stop ma'am". Sighing as he apologized to me I felt a buzzing sound coming from my side pocket. Reaching in I placed my phone in my hand and noticed that I had missed a call from Jacob. 
   "Who is it from?"

Chapter 1 is here guys and I'm excited to see how the story unfolds for both of us😊👏🏻

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