2: On My Own (Without A Hat)

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Current Pronouns: They/Them

Today I woke up with a need to wear a beanie. But I have none available.

I mean, I plan on getting some but when I asked my parents if I could buy one (or more like if they could buy me one) they told me to put it on my Christmas wish list.

But Christmas is six Fridays away (which is six weeks, which is 42 days) and I don't think I can survive that long.

I tried to find a substitute but all I could find was a burree (which brought up the question of why my sister has a French hat) but when I tried it on I looked like a looser. A French looser. So I went to school hatless.

Everything else I was wearing was fine until gym came. I was wearing a flannel over a shirt and I didn't think my gym teacher would appreciate my style of clothing, so I had to take the flannel off.

The bad thing was the shirt had short sleeves and the only other sweatshirt I had was blue (which wasn't too bad) but had these gaudy sparkly wings on the back and I just couldn't pull my myself wear it because it made me feel anxious putting it on in the locker room because it didn't feel right. So I went in short sleeves and froze my butt off because - surprise!! - our gym teacher decided today was the perfect day to go outside!!


I still don't know how I survived.

Let that be a lesson to you. Always have like five different backup sweatshirts. (See, I'm being helpful already!)

-Kat (a cold, hatless demigirl)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2016 ⏰

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