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I am literally so tired of being busy............ WITH SCHOOLWORK!!!!!! Schoolwork here, schoolwork there, oh look there's more sChOoLwOrK over there............. someone give me a pot to smash!!!!!
Link: Here you go
Me: thank you Link!!
Ok anyways, for those of you who do not know I am homeschooled, in my opinion it's harder than public school ( no offense to anyway out there!) I also started taking piano lessons again ( it's a long story!!) soo after school I have to practice my piano, which isn't that bad.
Anyways......... ok this is a rambling chapter lol!!!! Anyways....... I'm really working on trying to get more chapters out but...... like I said.... SCHOOLWORK!!!
Please understand that I might not be on here ever-week!
    Thank you for your consideration<3

!!!Random thoughts!!!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora