Part 2 - When it rains, go the arcade

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Hajime found himself walking across the neighbourhood boardwalk and rushing into the arcade. It had started to rain outside and god it was freezing. He swore his fingers began to change into a sickly blue colour. Mumbling about the unfortunate weather, Hajime slipped through the open doors into the arcade.

As he walked further, he passed the motorbike simulators, the sound of epic music and revving of engines playing as two guys hollered what seemed like "bro talk" to one another. One guy wore a large coat with Crazy Diamonds written on the back and Hajime noticed the rather large black eyebrows of the other guy. He was smiling so brightly at his friend, this guy was truly enjoying himself and letting loose with someone who looked like a best friend to him. It actually made Hajime smile a little. Never the less, he continued to walk further into the arcade and take a look around.

The dance machine blasted out old 90's tunes, causing Hajime to cringe slightly at the quality of the sound. It was certainly an old arcade, it had a few modern games such as the motorbikes but was also filled with Pac-Man consoles from years ago. But he kind of liked the retro vibe.

Hajime spotted an area where some empty seats were placed and decided it would be a good idea to sit down while waiting for the rain to stop. He glanced behind him to glare at the gloomy autumn weather. The rain lashed down onto the pavement and the road, wheels of cars splashing through the puddles.

Hajime shrugged. What could possibly happen if he stayed here for a while?

He turned around quickly, ready to advance towards the comfort of the leather chairs. However, he bumped into a tall dark figure. Hajime stumbled backwards and his gaze rose up a little to the stranger he bumped into. He looked a little....threatened to say the least. His cold gaze held Hajimes. The scar over his eye caught his attention, he couldn't help but stare. It had faded to a grey colour, so must have been there for a while. Which kind of made it worse seeing as he looked to be the as young as Hajime.

He said something, probably about why Hajime was gawking at his scar, but Hajime didn't hear him because he was too focused. So, sounding like a numb skull, he said "Wh-what?"

The stranger wasn't exactly pleased by this, causing Hajime to gulp. He couldn't even see his mouth because of the scarf over it. He seems a little, strange? He wore a large black coat and simple black jeans and black shoes. A lot of black. Maybe he's into MCR, that band isn't so bad I suppose that's something we would have in common-

He got hold of his large purple scarf and pulled it down, showing his mouth, which made his angry expression just as furious. "Who are you? Are you here to meddle with my dark devas of destruction?!" He exclaimed with a low voice, pointing at Hajime accusingly.

Okay, so maybe not emo, but crazy.

Hajime had no idea what this guy meant or what his problem was.
"What the hell are you on about?" Hajime shook his head. The stranger was about to pull something out of his scarf, until a girl with long blonde hair and a black bow in her hair ran up to him. "There you are!" She squealed, which made the strangers dark gaze turn to her, away from Hajime- thank goodness for this girl.

Wearing a coat herself - yet it was white and fluffy and made her look much more approachable - the girl's green/blue eyes sparkled in awe when the angry guy turned his head to look at her.

It was actually...cute.

Although if this guy didn't get distracted by her, he'd definitely be giving Hajime death glares right now. But his cold expression certainly softened when she arrived. Like once she was around, everything was better and how it should be. Hajime tried not to get too attached to this couple he'd never met before. Well, if they are actually an item that is.

The blonde pouted innocently, "After I told you I won the Pac Man game, you disappeared! Where were you?" She asked him, peering up at him. He looked away bashfully. "There is an ice cream van around the corner. I was planning on....bringing you one " he pulled up his scarf to hide his blush, "As a r-reward."

As if this guy was being so sweet?!

The blonde smiled so widely her lips could have touched her ears. She giggled and grabbed his arm to link, which from what Hajime could see made things worse for the guy. Perhaps they weren't together after all...yet.

The blonde suddenly noticed Hajime. "Oh my! Gundham who is your friend?" Gundham turned to face Hajime, his embarrassed face turning back to the threatening one Hajime first saw. "He is NO friend of mine." Hajime rolled his eyes at his dramatic reply. "We just had a misunderstanding-"

"Oh I see," the blonde giggled and leaned over to whisper to Hajime. "He didn't get his hamsters out on you did he?"

"Excuse me?" Hajime deadpanned, his eyes squinting at Sonia. She just giggled again.

"Sonia! They aren't just hamsters! They are-" Gundham protested, blushing just as bad as before.

"I know I know," Sonia waved him away as he panicked. "They're your little demons. But they're just so cute!"

Hajime didn't quite know what to make of these to. Either way, they seemed like fun people. Well, Sonia did anyway.

Sonia held out her hand to Hajime and introduced herself and Gundham more "accordingly" in her words. He shook her hand and told her his name. Sonia lightly nudged Gundham in the hope he would shake his hand. Let's just say a dark look was given and their hands didn't make any contact.

After Hajime explained he was new to the neighbourhood, Sonia got that sparkle in her eyes again and asked if he was planning on attending Hopes Peak, which - to no surprise- Gundham and herself attend. When Hajime replied a nervous "yes", Sonia said she looked forward to having a new classmate if they happened to be in the same class (which was most likely).

Hajime pointed to the two best friends playing the motorbike game and asked if they too attended Hopes Peak, and Sonia nodded but said they were in another class. But, looking to be the outgoing person Sonia is, she told him she had spoken to the both of them and they were nice guys.

"Well! It seems I've been promised an ice cream, doesn't it Gundham?" Sonia squealed and shook his arm which was crossed over his chest in an "uninterested" manner. Though Hajime could see that Gundham was the opposite of uninterested. He sighed, "Of course". Sonia waved goodbye to Hajime and dragged a blushing Gundham out the arcade to get some victory ice cream.

Hajime shook his head, "The personalities round this place are unreal," he mumbled as he made his way to the leather chairs.

And that's when he saw her.


Ooo cliff hanger.
See you next time, hope you enjoyed it! New chapter v soon xxx

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