Chapter Two

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Chapter Two (Kris POV)

"Hyung, time for practice. SMTown Week is almost here." Chanyeol was next to me, getting his makeup touched up while I was playing a game on my phone.

I nodded and got out of my game. I locked my phone, slid it in my pocket and followed Chanyeol to the stage. Today was a dress rehearsal so we had to use makeup, costumes etc.

We finished the opening, when someone from the lighting area, holding a clipboard, called us backstage, saying Lee Soo Man wanted to talk to all of us, including f(x) sunbaenim.

We quickly changed into our next act's costumes and went to Lee's office. His secretary told us that he was in the conference room and insisted we met him there.

When we arrived, the conference room was filled with all our sunbaenims and juniors (Super Junior, SJ-M, SNSD, Infinite, TVXQ, SM Rookies etc.) sitting and standing quietly.

When we got in, the room was even more crowded because altogether there was seventeen of us more than before. There were no more seats so we had to stand and listened to what Lee had to tell us that was important that needed all of us present.

"Okay. As you all know, SM Rookies is debuting soon. But there's another new person we've had our eyes on since she started to perform. She is currently a cover artiste with a group, Contagious. If you all could please direct your eyes to the screen in front."

Lee turned his chair and looked at the screen while the lights in the room dimmed and a video of a group performed our title song 'Growl'. There was six members altogether. Three boys and three girls.

They did the same choreo as the one we did at MAMA. Before the dance, they introduced the members with their ages beside their names. The boys were Tyson, Jordan and Albus. The girls were Lily, Christy and Vanessa. They were all fifteen.

They were dressed in school girls and boys costumes. They were wearing something the same as the uniform in the movie 'The Inheritors'. The girls were wearing knee-high black socks and were wearing sports shoes.

They not only danced, but surprised us by singing. The girl who caught my eye was Lily Zhang. She could sing as high as Chen and she also took Chanyeol's rap part and rapped it exactly the same, the only difference was she's a girl and had a girlish yet powerful voice.

Just as the video was about to end, the cameraman took a close-up of Lily and Lee Soo Man paused the video and turned to face us as the lights in the room were turned in again.

"This, is Lilian Adeline Zhang Le Xuan. In short, she's Lily. She's in a cover group called 'Contagious' and she's the leader, main singer and main dancer." Lee turned towards the screen and pressed play and next.

The intro of 'Dark Horse' by Katy Perry came out and they were doing this very sexy yet powerful choreography. At the end of the dance, she was grabbed by the waist by Tyson, I think, and their faces were so close to each other that it seems like they were going to kiss.

Lee paused the video and the lights came back on again. He pointed to the screen and faced us once more.

"This dance was choreographed by Lily herself. As you can see, the dance itself is also strong and powerful. She has also self-choreographed a few other dances on her own and composed a few songs too."

The screen went dark and Lee continued. Whispers came from every inch in the room and some were about how long Lee planned on keeping Lily under his watch.

The speakers in the conference room blasted an unfamiliar English song. I recognized the voice as Lily's voice. It was a sweet yet upbeat song that concerns about someone who broke her heart.

I noticed a few of my seniors were tapping to the beat with their feet. I was doing it myself and Lee seemed satisfied, so he continued.

"Recently, our music and lyrics team has composed an album filled with English songs called 'Rebellion' to compliment the Hunger Games Trilogy and a tribute to the soon-coming 'Hunger Games: Mockingjay'. We have been searching everywhere for a suitable person and she suits the perfect profile."

"We have sent her an email and mailed her a black and white contract with her plane ticket. If she accepts and her parents agree, we will be expecting her to arrive on the night of YG Entertainment's Christmas Concert. But if she declines, we will be informed and the whole 'Rebellion' album would be called off."

"So why inform us? When SM Rookies came in, you didn't need to. So why is she so special that you need to tell ALL of us?" Yunho asked.

"Well, that's because she's from Malaysia. She only understands three languages which are English, Chinese and Malay. It's in her file saying that she only knows a little of Korean. So I need you all to be cooperative and treat her properly. Before I let you all go, anymore questions?"

We all shook our heads and Lee signaled for the doors to be open. We were piling out of the room when Lee stopped us.

"EXO, I need you to stay back. I want to go over a few things with you all." We looked at each other with confused looks and stayed behind silently.

"I want all twelve of you to take good care of Lilian. Not only is she important to us, she's also important to Lay since she is his long-distance relative."

We all looked at YiXing and he just shook his head, signifying he doesn't know anything about Lily or her family.

"Alright. So, Kris, I want you to extra care for her because she would be needing you a lot. There are no more dorms in the building and you guys have an extra room, she will be staying there. I advise you all to be nice and help her get through all of this before she debuts."

We all nod and looked at one another. The extra room was filled with our junk and we needed to clean it, fast, if we wanted Lily to stay with us.

"Good. You may all leave the room. Please take good care of her." Lee got up and went over to the monitor where the laptop was set up.

We took that as our cue and got out. We quickly went back to the stage and saw f(x) sunbaenim were trying to figure out the choreo without us.

We quickly fitted into the choreo and began practicing. I wonder if that Lily girl would be as pretty as what I saw on the screen.

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