2:06:34 AM

10 1 0

Alexandria sighed as she sipped her cup of coffee and hummed along with the radio, it had already been a long night and her shift only started two hours ago. She was glad that, at least at night the doors were locked even though the gas station was open. This was due to the fact that homeless people were found sleeping in the storage room and the rest room a few times, so the management decided that customers had to be let in by the station attendant between the hours of midnight and six AM.

She was startled from her thoughts when the computer beside her chimed, informing her that there was someone attempting to pump gas. She authorized the machine to start and took note of the security camera showing a tour bus filling up from the diesel gas.

A few moments later there was a tap on the glass of the door and she looked up to see a group of people trying to get inside. She slipped away from the counter and walked over to let them in, she was a little worried, usually when people were here this late it was only one or two at a time, this group however, was comprised of no less that six people.

"Excuse me Miss," a voice called out as she was walking back to the counter.

"Yes," she replied, turning to face the customer who called out to her.

"I can't seem to get into the men's room, is there a key I need to do that," he asked.

"Oh, yes, this late at night a key is required, sorry, I'll go grab that now for you," she said quickly as she scurried over to the desk behind the counter and grabbed the men's room key. "Here you go Sir," she said as she extended the key to the man.

"Thanks," he replied as he took the key and made his way back to the restrooms.

A few minutes later the computer chimed again, informing her that the person pumping the gas had finished and was paying with a card at the pump. Slowly, the group made their way up to the counter, each purchasing themselves some standard junk food and what not that all gas stations seem to carry.

Eventually most of them made their way back to the bus, until Alexandria was just waiting for the young man to return from the restroom. Which he did, just minutes after the bus pulled away....

He seemed quite perplexed and annoyed that he had been left behind.

"Do have your phone with you," she asked softly, "if you know the number of anyone on the bus you can use our phone to call them if you need to," she offered nervously.

"I've got mine with me," he replied as he pulled out his phone and called several people, leaving an annoyed voicemail for all of them. He then tried to ext all of those people but had similar results.

"How late are you guys open, will I need to find a place to rest for the night, or as long as it takes anyone to notice I've been left behind.

"We're open twenty four seven, three sixty five, Sir," she replied.

"Joe," he said, "you can call me Joe," as he stared at her.

"Joe... what? Do you not have a last name," she replied.

"You're kidding right," he asked as he stared at her incredulously.

"No," she said slowly, "sorry, should I know you?"

"Most people do," Joe stated. "I was in a band with my brothers, now I'm in my own band, called DNCE," he explained, clearly waiting for it to click to her who he was.

"Sorry, most of the music I listen to is older than I am," Alexandria explained as she pointed to the radio, currently playing 'Civil War' by Guns N Roses.

"Oh," Joe replied as he finally handed the bathroom key back to her.

She walked over to the desk and put it away before turning to look out the window.

"Looks like your friends are heading back," she said as she pointed to a large tour bus pulling into the parking lot.

He turned to look and shook his head, "Nope, not them."

"Okay...," she replied, confused by the appearance of a second tour bus. This time however, no one got off the bus, the driver simply paid at the pump for a few gallons and then left.

"Alexandria," Joe said suddenly, causing her to startle and nearly knock over her cup of coffee.

"Yes," she replied as she tried not to blush to brightly.

"What do you do when you're not working," he asked.

"Sleep," she replied, "and, if there is time hang out with friends."

"Sounds like life on the road," he replied.

The two talked for over an hour before Joe's phone started ringing. He answered at feigned annoyance and anger at the caller for leaving him behind, before laughing and hanging up.

"They should be back in an hour or less, finally realized I wasn't on the bus," he explained to Alexandria.

They continued to talk for the remaining time, only stopping when Alexandria had to authorize the gas pumps from time to time. "This seems like a very lonely job," he commented.

"Only if you like interacting with people on a regular basis," she replied, "for a night owl introvert though, this is a nearly perfect job."

"I guess you have a point there," he laughed.

When they parted ways, Joe shook her hand and exclaimed, "this has been an adventure, if we meet again I hope it's under better circumstances."

When he left Alexandria realized he had slipped a piece of paper with his number on it into her hand.

She sent of a text : Really Dude, a slip of paper hidden by a hand shake?

She didn't expect the rapid response : It worked didn't it. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2016 ⏰

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