Ari stops teasing Grey and starts to pull on the clothing even though she's still wet.

"Ari you get dressed without drying off and that dress won't make it to the ceremony." Grey warns.

"I don't have a towel. You're the one that dumped the water on me." Ari says in exasperation. She barely catches the towel he throws at her. She starts to dry off and isn't surprised when she feels Grey using another towel on her.

"Enough Grey." Ari says as the skin is starting to rub off. Grey stops and Ari starts dressing. Grey brushes her hair until she needs his help doing up the buttons then they switch jobs.

"Hold still Ari." Grey warns as he works her hair into the style he wants her to have. He sticks roses in and then hands her a handful of roses to hold. They were royal blue just like her dress. Then lastly he has her turn around and he fastens a necklace around her neck.

He hands her a mirror so she can see what she looks like. "Oh, Grey. Thank you, it's better than I had ever dared dream." Indeed she hasn't dared dream of marriage since she was fourteen. "But where'd you get the necklace?"

"The necklace was my mother's. It was a gift from my father. Mother made me promise to give it to someone that I love, and to marry that girl." Grey gives her a quick kiss. "I'm fulfilling that promise now."

Ari turns and gives him a hug. Then Grey opens the door and they leave.

When they enter her apartment Anna openly stares. "Grey? Isn't that..."

Jaylen enters, "So you gave her the necklace. And from her appearance she said yes."

"Yes, Anna can you marry us please?" Grey asks and there is more than a little pleading to his tone.

"Of course Grey! Did you really think I wouldn't? Jaylen can stand in for one witness but we need another." Even as she finishes Taren walks in.

"Oh good. Taren can stand as the other witness. I'm sorry that it's all my family Ari." Grey says.

"Oh heavens I'm not." Ari says vehemently. "How can you say that?"

"I didn't mean that side of your family. I wish your mother could have been here." Grey qualifies.

"Sorry, I still have a ways to go on my forgiveness." Ari says looking down sadly.

Grey gently lifts her chin up, "It's okay. What they did doesn't deserve a quick forgiveness."

"Grey's right child. But you're on the right path." Jaylen puts in even as she arranges Grey and Ari to her liking. "There, child, Ariele, I mean can you make more of those lovely lights and set them around the window there?"

Ariele did and then set more in various places about the room. Delighted Jaylen douses the other lights. "Perfect. It may only be a small ceremony but there's no reason to not have it a beautiful one."

At that Grey smiles and starts making roses. Soon the air was filled with their fragrance as the room filled with flowers.

"Very well then, if everyone is ready?" Anna says having gone into her room to change and coming out into a fragrant fairyland.

Jaylen positions everyone and Anna smiles at her fussiness. Once Jaylen takes her place Anna performs the ceremony. She keeps it short and sweet for she can see the impatience on Grey's face.

Once the ceremony is over Grey says, "If I could I would take you on a trip all around our world. Show you its wonders..."

"You've shown me more wonder than I've seen all my life in just these three short days." Ari beams at him.

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