"Come on. We're going back to my room. I left instructions with Anna about Alexis." Grey gently escorts her out. Taren watches them leave with sadness. Grey is content, that's the only word that works for Taren. He knows that Ari loves Grey as well, though he doubts that she has said anything.

Grey unlocks his door and lets her in. The lights she'd made earlier start zipping about her eagerly happy to see her. "Ari, how did you know the dance steps before I even showed them to you?"Grey says stopping her and just holding her by the shoulders.

Ari looks up at him and simply says, "I saw them in your mind."

"Do you see what's in my mind now?" Grey asks. Ari nods. "What is your answer?" In answer Ari stands on her tip toes and gives him a kiss.

Grey hadn't expected that but gets past his startlement quickly. He pulls back, "Are you sure? I don't want to pressure you."

Ari with tears in her eyes, "I'm more sure about this then anything else in my life. But what about you Grey? You don't sleep with those you protect. You said so yourself."

Grey shakes his head. "You mean far more to me than any protection detail client ever has. I want to spend the rest of my life with you." He then proceeds to show her how he intends to spend at least part of his life with her.

"Are you okay?" Grey asks some time later as he plays with her hair.

"Never better. It is like magic." Ari answers with a smile. She content like she's never been before. The feeling, the difference between this and what she's gone through is like night and day.

Grey smiles, "Magic huh?" It had felt that way for him as well.

"Oh, yes, I want to try that." Ari says seeing into his mind again. And so she did try that and so it went until they were both exhausted.

As they lay there together in each others arms Ari says, "I never dreamed it could feel like this. I always felt so dirty and used before. But this, I feel beautiful and cherished."

"That's because you are beautiful and I do cherish you." Grey says kissing her shoulder.

Ari smiles but it turns sad. "Don't Grey, don't think about that. We have so little time left, don't think about that."

"Marry me." Grey says.

This takes Ari completely by surprise. "What?" She turns in his arms until she's facing him.

"Marry me. Maybe we don't have much time together, but marry me for what little time we do have." Grey all but begs her.

"But weddings take time to put together that's something we don't have."

Grey shakes his head. "All it will take is the time Anna takes to say the words. Although I have heard her draw out marriage ceremonies when she doesn't approve of the two getting married. Normally there would be a big ceremony and everyone would be invited, but we don't have time for that. Anna can marry us tonight in her apartment."

Ari looks at Grey in the dim light of her flying companions and what she sees makes her so happy. "Yes. Yes, I'll marry you."

Grey wants to shout to the world in joy and Ari giggles. "Stop that Ari." Grey isn't really annoyed but he would like it if she wouldn't take up residence in his mind.

Although Grey would prefer to stay in bed he wants to marry Ari as soon as possible. So he chivies her along and even makes her a new dress just for the occasion.

"You want me to put on a clean dress without bathing first?" Ari teases Grey.

Grey retaliates by dumping water on her so she is soaked. "There you're washed off. Now get dressed." His voice is still teasing but there is an underlying command to it.

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