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Lily Luna's P.O.V. 

Have you ever heard of Harry James Potter?  Who am I kidding, of course you have. I mean He is 'The Boy Who Lived' No other person can hold a candle to him. He's the man who killed Tom M. Riddle. I don't call him Voldemort. And you'll find more about that later. Anyway my name is Lily Luna Potter. Not Lily Potter-Evans!!! I can't stress that enough. Lily Potter-Evans is my grandmother, the mother of my father. You would think that me being the only daughter of Harry Potter and the youngest of the Weasley clan would make me the favorite. The most adored out of all my siblings and cousins. The center of attention. You could not be more wrong. It's not like I'm against it or anything. It makes it easier to sneak in and out of not only my house but Hogwarts too. No one ever notices if I leave for long periods of time. And when you read about my life you will understand why It makes my life easier to be able to sneak out. But wait I'm getting ahead waaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy of myself. This whole story started way before I was even born. For you to understand everything you need to know the story all the way back to May 3 1998. The day after the Battle of Hogwarts. Or as some prefer to call it The Second Wizarding War.  

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