The Jester's Keep Part 1

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"Mom, this is The Jester's Keep isn't it?" asked Dustin. I looked up at him and nodded while replying, "I'll tell you all about it just come along." With that said we began walking. Every step had to be thought about critically for even the slightest flaw could've caused us an actual death, not the sleep state our bodies are currently in. We made it to an opening where there was a huge door, behind the door the smell of burning flesh stood heavily along with screams and cries of agony. As soon as the cries and screams stopped, a high pitch yet baritone and crazed laugh resonated off of the walls causing the entire structure to tremble. I felt my blood run cold as I whispered in a dead and defeated tone, "He knows."

Dustin quickly grabbed ahold of my hand as he began looking around. We made it past Level 1, getting into the castle and side stepping the pit. I turned to Dustin and said, "The Jester's Keep is said to have been created by the Devil himself, and in some ways that's true. But, in reality The Jester's Keep is a place of eternal punishment created by a man named Alexander Zabini. He was the Jester of The Royal Supernaturals.

Or at least that was his title before insanity took it's toll on him. He was said to be the nicest man with the kindest heart. Until he started to be mistreated and had his life taken away from him. The Zabini Family were legendary for their gifts. The were considered the most powerful family in our world, they existed when our world was joined together without feuds between each and every species.

Alexander Zabini, first born of Ezekiel and Catalina Zabini, was first in line for the Zabini family throne. Alexander was known to have a short fuse due to the fact that his hair was fire engine red and that arguments with him usually ended with the opponent having to see a healer due to their third degree burns. On the night of Alexander's coronation his mother and father were found in their chambers. Their bodies mangled, twisted, and maimed in a way that only those who took sick pleasure in torturing their victims before death would've loved. That was the first crack in Alexander's sanity.

Alexander was left full custody of his 14 year old twin brothers Adrian and Aiden, along with their younger twin brother and sister Andrew and Andrea, at age 21 Alexander was a King taking care of his kingdom as well as his younger siblings. A few months later while out on his daily outings in one of the many villages surrounding his kingdom, Alexander heard a scream from the alley. Alexander being the curious young man he was decided to investigate. He looked towards his younger brothers and nodded to them and immediately Adrian and Aiden caused a distraction-"

I was cut of as a loud hissing was heard. I turned and saw the said to be extinct Diamond-Headed King Ouroboro, a cross between a cobra and ouroboro. This one was over 25 feet long and poised ready to strike. Next thing I know glowing yellow eyes are flashing at me followed by venomous fangs....then the world goes black....



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