Whos there? P. 1

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I'm pretty new to writing stories,, so please tell me if I need to fix anything i greatly appreciate it!❄️✨


Chapter 1

Today was an exiting day for you! After living in Japan for a long time, you finally have decided to go move near your highschool best friend, yuuko! At the moment, you are going to be living with yuu until your new house is ready. You haven't seen each other since you graduated university, only chatting here and there over Skype.
A long drive over to yuuko's house awarded you with seeing you best friend.
As you eagerly drove up to her driveway and jumped out of the car, you rang her doorbell with excitement!
Not long after ringing the bell, you heard a muffled sound of 3 little girls yelling, "mom! Someone's at the door!"
You were so hyped just by hearing fast stomps come louder and closer to the front door! The door swung open and you finally got to see yuuko!
A tight and long embrace brought you two together again. "(Y/N)!! I've missed you so much!" Yuuko said with tears rolling down her cheeks. "I-I've missed you too!" You replied with waterfalls dripping down your face.
After letting go and wiping away your tears, Yuu introduced you too all of her girls. Triplets, very loud and cheerful yet intelligent. You sat down at her couch, dropping your suit case and got to talking.
After catching up on a whole lot with yuu, you decided that it would be nice to go to the rink tomorrow and skate a bit. As time grew on, chatting and catching up on many stories led to it being late, and time for you two go to bed. Yuu put the girls to sleep and  kindly set up her extra guest room all nice and fancy just for you. You quickly unpacked your things, changed into your PJ's and called it a night.

In the morning you woke up knowing that you were going to start a new day with yuu. You got out of bed, got dressed and went to what looked like her kitchen. Yuu was already up and making breakfast for the both of you, since the girls were off to school and takeshi was out.
You both sat down and of course, catching up even more while eating. After eating a delicious breakfast, you too both went over to the rink, which as closed for public hours at the time, which was good so you would have some privacy.
When you got there, you tied on your skates and headed to the arena. "I have some friends that use the rink whenever they want, to they may or may not be here right now but if they are, don't be shy! They're super cool!" Yuu pointed out.
Yuu went on in before you to check to see if anyone was there. She came back saying cheerfully, "a really attractive guy named viktor is here by himself... It's the guy I told you about on skype! I think you'll really like him!!!" You rolled your eyes jokingly and brushed it off like it was nothing, since she always over exaggerates when talking about cute guys she sees. You were sure that he wasn't THAT attractive...
Yuu grabbed you by the wrist, dragging you into the arena to go see this "oh so hot, Viktor".
"Viktor!!! A have a friend visiting that I'd like you to meet!"
You looked over at viktor to see his beautiful man with icy blue eyes and perfect grey hair looking at you with the cutest smile you've ever seen saying "hello! Nice to met you! I'm viktor nikiforov" And ending with a wink.

"Viktor!!! A have a friend visiting that I'd like you to meet!" You looked over at viktor to see his beautiful man with icy blue eyes and perfect grey hair looking at you with the cutest smile you've ever seen saying "hello! Nice to met you! I'm v...

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You blushed the deepest red you've ever blushed. Yuu was right! He IS super attractive! You and yuu hopped on the ice while skating towards viktor to say hello proper and up close.
"Hello viktor! I'm (Y/N)! Nice to meet you!" You two shook hands and viktor complemented your name. "Ooo (Y/N)! That's a very beautiful name of yours!" You felt like your knees were going to melt just by hearing that.

You two decided just to skate laps around the rink, while yuuko went to go turn on some music. You and viktor got to know each other a lot better. Yuu texted you realizing that she had to go pick up the girls and take them home early, which she said would take a while and not be able to pick me up but that was fine. Viktor said that if you don't get picked up, he could take you back to the hotel to chill out. It felt like you two could talk forever just looping around the rink.

That's the end of chapter 1!!! Sorry if it was super duper short, I'll make chapter 2 right away 💝 have a lovely rest of your day!!

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