Marinette sighed, "I wish my family life was more exciting. The most fun I've every had was when I almost burnt down my kitchen while baking."

Alya cackled , " I have to admit, girl, that WAS very exciting."

I rubbed the nape of my neck, "You guys are lucky anything has happened to you. The favorite, and least favorite, part of my day was when those random 70 yr old married elders would walk up to my cash register and try hitting on me."

We contained our laugher for a second, and then we all were bent over, laughing our heads off.

"H-hey guys..." I heard a familiar voice from behind me.

I turned around and there was Adrien, being adorably shy. Wait, I can't think he's adorable, he's in a committed relationship.

"Hello Adrien. Where's Chelsea." I spat.

He glared, "Vee, you can at least be happy I've found someone."

"Like I should be happy for the guy who got together with someone not even a full month after I left, and never bothered to tell me or properly break up with me!" I snarled.

"WELL U SHOULD BE HAPPY! Violet I never even loved you! I only pretended to to get to the other girls. I know someone I'm not inviting to our wedding..." He murmured.

The whole group went silent.

The tears formed at the rim of my eyes, "Y-your getting m-married."

He covered his mouth and reached out one hand to stop me as I ran to the girls bathroom. It was my crying castle, my sobbing sanctuary, my tearful tower. I didn't even make it into s stall before I collapsed onto the floor, drowning in a puddle of my own tears.

I heard voices whispering outside, and Marinette screaming a "no!" To an unknown person. I heard the door creak open and didn't bother to lift my head to check who the intruder was. It was probably Alya anyways.

"Go away," I sobbed.

A low voice spoke to me, "I guess I can't use the bathroom then."

I looked up and saw a spectacularly handsome boy. His eyes were a dark midnight blue, hair a dusty black, and skin tone a beautiful tan. His eyes were framed by black hipster style glasses.

(Artwork not mine)

                      (Artwork not mine)

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He smiled, "Here."

He held out his hand, it was soft to the touch. He pulled me up with a strong force, our faces were inches apart. It reminded me of something, something that ended up being fake anyways.

"What's your name?" He asked.

I brushed off my jeans, "V-Violet, nice to um, meet you. And you?"

He smiled, fixing my shirt, which has embarrassingly started to reveal my sports bra.

"The name is Sam, Sam Feeona. Y el gusto Es mio, Señorita." He replied.

(Y el gusto is mio Señorita- and the pleasure is mine, Miss.)

I grabbed my phone, which had fallen out of my pocket.

He smirked at me, "Here, let me fix this."

He pushed the hair out my eyes and fixed my headband.

"Now everyone can see your beautiful green eyes." He explained.

I never thought I would, but I felt my face grow hot with embarrassment. Adrien never loved me, so maybe I could find love somewhere else.

"Are you new?" I asked.

He nodded, "No, I'm not. I remember you, Violet, from 2 1/2 years ago. I sat in the very back, this was before puberty. Thank god puberty made me like this, huh?"

I sighed, "Mhmmmm, thank puberty. I MEAN.."

He laughed, "Your cute, Potty Mouth."

I flustered, "Potty mouth?"

Sam laughed again, " I found you in the boys bathroom and you have a big mouth, not a bad thing I must say."

I relaxed, "Oh, ok, heh."

He smirked at me again, "You busy tonight?"

"What?! Oh, um, y-yeah actually" I replied, rubbing the nape of my neck.

He handed me a folded piece of paper, "Eight, at that cafe near the Eiffel."

I smiled, blushed, and walked out of the bathroom. Marinette and Alya were waiting by the door.

"Girl, we thought you went in there! What we you do- why do you like you just saw heaven?" Alya questioned.

I sighed dreamily, "I did! And his name was Sam Feeona. His hands were so soft and had eyes you could melt into."

Marinette laughed, "Well that solves our problems."

I was caught up, "Hmm? What was that?" I asked with a dreamy sigh.

Alya laughed, "Come on girl, let's go back to our table."


Please, this is a legit reason! Please comment about the superhero name! Info at top of chapter, btw! If you want a spoiler than you can scroll down a lot, but if not you can keep reading to found out. Just for you die-hard shippers, mk? Cya Next chapter my kitties! 😘😘😘 ~Ally


You don't end up dating Sam don't worrrrrrrrry. Meeting him will work out in your favor, and not... Well, trust mwah. Ok bye kitties! 😘😘😘

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