I'm Sorry

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The car ride was horrible. Niall sat there looking at me with pity in his eyes. Harry fell asleep. Louis was all sunshine and rainbows. Zayne tried to get me to talk but i would just stare blancly at him. And Liam had a look of confusion on his face. When we got to the house. I got my bag out and followed them inside. It was amazing! It was wight and had chandiliers. Even though there are pizza boxes everywhere. I love this house.

"Hey, do you want me to show you your room?" Niall asked.

"Yes" I surprised myself by replying. I usally just nod or shake my head. He smiled and took me up the staires. My room was massive! The walls were hot pink, there were shelves on one wall, cabinates on another wall , one wall was bare and the other was a wall of windows.

"I'll leave you to unpack sweetie" Niall said. I smiled. I unpacked my stuff, and saw that she had packed my pringles box as well. I smiled more than before. I picked it up and went to find the bathroom. I found it and went in. I locked the door and I opened the box. I saw my razors, i saw my broken razor, I saw my blades. I got one out. I out my sleeve up. I dug the blade in. I felt the pain. I felt the reflife, that I desperatly needed. I did it again and again. I saw the blood, I loved it. Washed my arm and put everything back into the pringles pot. I left the bathroom and put the pot back in my room

"Bethany dinner." Niall shouted up the stairs. I walked down the stairs to see all five boys waiting for me.

"I'm not very hungry." I lied, I was so hungry, but if I ate I would get fat.

"hhmmm. I believe you!" Niall said sarcasticly. "You didn't have lunch either or breakfast!" he said annoyed.

"I'm not hungry." I said again.

"I don't care! You're eating and that is final!" He shouted. I glared a him. He looked pissed. Someone touched me and I flinshed away.

"You need to eat." Liam said softly.

"NO I'M NOT HUNGRY!" i shouted. Shocking myself, as well as the boys. Great, now they all looked pissed. Great going Beth! Well there's a new record. 3 hours since i got here and the abuse will start soon, especially after that outburst. Louis picked me up and I screamed and started thrashing about. He took me into the dinning room and sat me down in one of the chairs. I pulled my sleeves down so i was holding the ends in my hands. Everyone sat down at the table and started eating in silence. I just started at my food. It was full of calouries. I hadnt eaten any of it and I wanted to puke.

"Can you just eat something in stead of just staring at it!" Niall snapped at me. I ignored him and continued to just stare at it. I looked down and silently started crying. I dont know why so dont ask. At least at the orphanage they didnt try to make me eat, if i didnt then it was just more food for the other kids. I didnt pay attention to the rest of the world as people started to move around me. Soon it was just me and Niall in the room.

"We're not leaving untill you eat somethimg!" He said sternly.

"We'll be waiting a while then!" i snapped back. Ne didnt reply. He walked over to me picked up my fork and out food on it.

"Open your mouth." he said sounding bored. I shook my head. He sighed. I knew I wouldnt leave until I ate, so as much as I screamed at myself not to, I opened my mouth. He smiled while I cried as he put food in my mouth. I chewed and swollowed feeling fat. "Now that wasn't so hard was it?" he asked and I noded it was the hardest thing I've done in ages. He sighed again. "Well you've eaten, you can go upstairs if you want." He sounded sad. I ran striaght to the toilet and made myself sick. I changed into my pajamers. A superman onesie. I went downstairs 'to be soicable' aparently I need these people to like me.I dont know why. I followed the sound of voices until I reached a door. i was about to go in, until I realised what they were talking about. Me.

One Direction Adopted Me, The Emo GirlOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora