Part 1

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The summer mornings were usually so beautiful, waking up to the bright sunlight kissing you was like the most amazing feeling to be described into a few simple words or paragraphs.

The bright sunlight brought so many rays of hope into my life about which I couldn't stop thanking the universe. I have no idea if anyone's ever had a perfect life, but right now, sitting here on my bed as I stare at the bright sunlight peeping inside my bedroom through the windows, I feel as in my life has never been better.

Everything in life has been so perfect and so good but that doesn't mean I haven't faced any ups and downs, I have, but maybe I had that magical power inside me that never let me fall.

Who on earth wouldn't be happy having such a beautiful life where you have everything, A house to live in, some food to eat, a good job, good money, so many friends, great relationship with everyone, adventure, fun and that one guy whom you crush on so hard but can't tell him how you feel about him.

Despite having all this, despite everything being so perfect in my life, it still feels like something is missing somewhere, as if something isn't right, that feeling that doesn't let me sleep and eventually I end up overthinking things.

I'm about to get off the bed when my phone rings, I just hope my friends don't have any summer plans, they are the craziest people on earth and fun is like a routine to them, they're always up to something, despite getting irritated at times, I love how we all hang out together and go on adventure and stuff.

"Cookie, where the hell have you been I've been calling you for an hour now" Arnav shouts at me.

Arnav, the name that brings a cute stupid smile on my face, oh by the way, he's the one, my crush whom I'd always think about and smile randomly and just wish he had an idea how much I liked him.

"Arnav, if you've forgotten, my name's Khushi, stop calling me cookie, someday you might mistake me for a real cookie and eat me up" I giggle

Although I love him calling me that name, well I would love him calling me anything, it's just fun fighting around with him over such funny issues.

"I'm picking you up in an hour, and before you ask me questions, you aren't getting answers so just chill and get ready, no answers for you today"

Before I can say anything further, he disconnects the call and I sit there for a couple of seconds wondering what could it be, he's never behaved like this with me, I mean disconnected the call abruptly.

The issue with me has been that lately I've just been overthinking things, there's a lot actually, not only connected to him but everything else, like why would something happen in some way and not the other way, like you know even the most stupid things.

I hear him hoot as I quickly put on my sandals and rush out, it's a beautiful summer morning and a yellow dress wouldn't be so boring after all. I take a last look at myself in the mirror before I head out, I have to look perfect after all my crush is downstairs waiting to pick me up. That excitement and the ticklish feeling is another thing I tell you.

"Hey" I greet him as I get in the front seat and on my God, I've never seen him dressed like this.

Arnav has always been the simple kind of a guy yet fun loving, I mean it's not that he doesn't dress well, but right now he was dressed in a manner I've never seen him in before and I love it, he looks perfect, well he'd look perfect in anything, but this is different.

"Where are we going to?" I ask him as he starts driving.

"Cookie I told you no questions, so shut up"

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