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Hey guys! Thank-you so much for deciding to read my stories!! Basically the dealio is that sometimes I have urges to write and then sometimes I don't so please don't expect a new story every day or anything. I have too much spare time so I  am always creating scenarios about the boys, but don't we all (; I'm trying to make sure that they are not super cliche and predictable and boring because I hate those kinds of books (no offence to anyone at all) but we'll see how it plays out. If you have any cool ideas definitely feel free to share them with me, as well as any constructive criticism, but remember we're all human so be nice lol (: I have some really cool ideas for another story but for it to have the impact that I want it to have, I feel as though I should make it into a whole other fanfiction so I will let you guys know if I do that in the future!!

Some quick facts about me, skip if you don't care (: 

My name is Lizzy and I'm 16 woohoo. I'm from New Zealand and I'm an Ethan girl (so you can guess that most of these stories will be about Ethan but I'll try to include some about Gray too)

If you wanna contact or follow me on twitter hit me up  lizzy_930

or on Instagram lizzy.duff

 I'm thinking that I will publish the first the first story tomorrow because it's Tuesday yo !!!!!  

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