Meet and Great Mayhem

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Everything seemed to be going in slow motion, and I was suddenly aware of every single sound and sight around me. We are finally here. At the front of the 4OU meet and greet line. My best friend and I, only seconds away from physically meeting the boys that we've connected with through our laptop screens for the past three years. The grin that was plastered on my face was genuine and pure, and it sure as heck wasn't going away at any time soon.

"Hey girls, how ya doing?"

I was already fangirling over Security-Guy-Kyle, as he stood before us creating small talk while we waited for the girls in front of us to finish their turn.

"We're super good thanks," I replied, still flashing my cheery smile. The adrenaline from the show was still pulsing in my veins, causing my confidence to increase massively, although it seemed to have the opposite impact on my best friend, Sophia, who stood quietly beside me.

"That's great to hear! You guys wanna go in separate or together?" He asked us. We had gone over our plan seven billion times in the past hour alone, but my mind had already gone completely blank.

"Uh, separately if that's okay?" my friend piped in, breaking her streak of silence. At least one of us can remember the plan. We had decided that we wanted to go in separately, so that we would each get our deserved moments with Ethan and Grayson. I was going to go first, and I planned on striking a conversation with them rather than wasting all of my time talking about what pose we were going to do.

"Of course, that's fine. Who is going first?" He asked.

"Me!" the excitement had well and truly hit me at this point.

"Coolio, what's your name?" he continued his small talk while I handed him my phone to take the photos.

"Casey," I reply. I could hear Ethan's voice during a quieter part in the music and I felt my heart beat increase dramatically. I couldn't even think about the fact that they were right on the other side of this backdrop.

"Well, Casey. I hope you're ready to meet the twins because you're up now!" At this point I was trying my absolute hardest to keep myself under control. I couldn't tell whether I was about to throw up or have a heart attack but as soon as I stepped around the corner of the backdrop and saw the loves of my life right before my very eyes, all my thoughts vanished from my brain.

"Hey cutie, what's your name?" Ethan asked me, embracing me in a loving hug. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath in, enjoying the moment before I told them my name.

"Casey? That's such a pretty name!" Grayson replied, being his usual cheesy self. He gave me the worlds comfiest hug as soon as Ethan had released me. I was still struggling to figure out how they can be so bulk and muscly, yet their hugs were so warm and cuddly.

"Thanks," I blushed, looking down. Even though I had convinced myself that he said things like this to everyone, it still felt amazing to hear Grayson compliment me in person.

"You have the most gorgeous smile I have ever seen!" Ethan commented. I was shook. Of course his sweet comment made my smile ten times bigger than it already was, if that's even possible. I wanted to form a conversation with them so I asked them what they thought of my country, New Zealand (A.N Rip they aren't coming here but I can still dream right).

"Well honestly, we haven't seen that much of it, although the parts we have seen are absolutely beautiful. Not to mention the people here are all beautiful too," Ethan winked. He was a smooth mother trucker.

"Well, New Zealand is a pretty nice place and if you are ever in need of a new holiday spot, there's plenty amazing ones here!" I laughed. My laugh was cut off by the security yelling something that I couldn't quite decipher. Seconds later a psychotic looking girl runs out from behind the backdrop. The three of us were staring at her unexpectedly, confused as to why she was invading my time with the twins. The residue from her tears remained on her red, blotchy cheeks, which only added to her crazed expression. Her dark eyes were wide with furry and she stared me down. She placed one confident step after another, making her way towards me, never breaking her death stare. Judging by the faces of everyone around me, we were all just as confused as each other.

The next ten seconds felt more like a solid ten minutes. Everything appeared to be moving in slow motion once again, although this time it was not in a good way.

The girl rapidly made her way to me. As she got closer I noticed the obvious anger that was taking over her body. The way her pupils widened into great pools of rage, the way her fists curled into tight balls at her sides. I could already tell that she wasn't just coming to see me for a chat, however I couldn't find the power to move myself out of her firing line.

Just as I was starting to realize my fate, the girl swung, striking me in the nose with her first. The force of her punch sent me stumbling back slightly. I clutched my nose and could feel my eyes start to water. For such a petite girl she sure did have a lot more strength than I had anticipated.

"They're mine!" she screamed, reaching out to grab the twins only to be pulled away by security. Ethan rushed to my side to check if I was okay. Grayson stood looking at me in shock as if he couldn't understand what had just unfolded right before him.

Somewhere in the distance I could still hear her screaming, but my mind hadn't quite caught up with reality.

"Casey, you're bleeding!" Ethan said whilst he inspected my nose, bringing me back down to earth. Grayson had broken out of his trance also, and walked towards me apologizing for something that clearly wasn't his fault. Kyle the security guard approached us too, asking whether I was okay.

I reassured everyone that I was fine, no matter how confused and worried everybody was. The excited, nervous and fangirlie side of me had completely disappeared and was replaced with a more relaxed and carefree psyche. It was only now that I realized my friend Sophia walking towards us.

"Fuck, Casey are you okay?" She asked, reaching up to look at my nose properly.

"I'm fine," I laugh awkwardly. I was at that stage where I can control my emotions, but every time someone asks me if i'm okay I want to cry my eyes out. There was no way in hell that I was going to cry in front of Ethan and Grayson, absolutely not.

"Actually, do you think I could get some water?" I ask politely to one of the worried crew members.

"Here, have mine," Ethan said, standing up to grab his drink bottle from the other side of the room.

"Thank-you." I smile. I take a long swig of the water, nearly finishing off the entire bottle in the process. The blood was still pouring from my nose but I couldn't find the energy to clean it up myself.

"Whoa, thirsty?"Ethan joked.

"For yo diick." Sophia muttered under her breath, making me choke on my water. If the boys had heard her comment they surely didn't show it.

Kyle came over to us with another woman who seamed to be carrying a first aid kit. I recognized he instantly, and nearly pooped myself on the spot.

"Mom, some psycho bitch came in and punched Casey in the nose! Do you think it's broken?" Grayson said. he sounded worried.

"Grayson Dolan, watch your profanity,"

"Sorry, mom."

Lisa started to inspect my nose. She prodded at the bridge of my nose which sent a rush of pain across my face.

"Here Love, lets sit you down and clean this nose of yours," she coos, guiding me to a seat at the far end of the room. The rest of my support team moved with us, anticipating the outcome of my bloody nose. Lisa wiped away most of the blood with a damp cloth, though it was still bleeding pretty heavily. After a few more minutes of anxious prodding and poking of my nose, Lisa confirmed that my nose was in fact broken.

"Casey, I'm so sorry. I can't believe someone would do something like this." Ethan hugged me again. He seamed really upset, so I tried telling him that it wasn't his fault.

"It is though," he argues.

I decide to let it drop and we try to work out what we should do now.

"We can't carry on the meet and great now," Grayson said.

"Are you crazy? Of course you can, and you are!" I tell them. "You're not even half way through the line yet. Just think about how upset everyone will be if you don't continue! Do you really want to disappoint all those fans?" Is it bad that I'm guilt tripping them to continue on their meet and great? I sure as heck did not want to be the reason that so many fans didn't get to meet the boys, and I definitely didn't want the fandom to start hating on me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2016 ⏰

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