“Father.” Perttu greeted. His father had a greying little beard, though it was clipped and shaped perfectly. The old man’s eyebrows were furrowed and his elbow bent, in the fold was the dainty hand of his Bride. Of Perttu’s step mother.

“Perttu. It is good to see you, but are standing here alone. The village kept their side of the bargain did they not?”

“They did, but not as we would have wanted it. They brought her to me chained and starved, wild looking and bruised. She was terrified, father, she had no idea my real intention.”

“I take it that is why she is not here?”

“Other things have happened.”

“Come and tell me, Berneice dear, I want you to stay today with my son.”

She heard muffled voices downstairs and knew they were talking, catching up on things while they had been away from each other, Lily merely blocked the sounds from her mind, until she noticed that there was no muffled talking anymore.

                She nearly jumped from her chair when the door opened and that eerie footstep entered the room, it was not Perttu’s.

“Lily, my dear, so nice to see you. Get up, get dressed and washed, we are going out.” That caught her attention. She slowly moved her head from left to right and stared at the man. He was groomed well and even in age he looked powerful and full of authority. She wanted to fear him but for the crinkle at the corner of his eyes. He looked menacing but she couldn’t be afraid. He didn’t mean her harm, she could feel his pure intention. “Sir?”

“Father, would be a nice term but I understand if that is too soon. Sir is not an option however. You may call me Adon if Father is too much for you.”

                She continued to look at him, wondering what this was about. She did not move.

“It has come to my attention that my son has yet to take you out of this house. He is currently entertaining my wife, so I will do the honours.” Still looking at him as if he had two heads she raised her eyebrows. “I don’t want to go out.” She replied stubbornly. She expected him to get angry then, to yell at her or at the least frown. What she didn’t expect was that he threw his head back and burst out laughing. And she was completely stunned.

“You fool no one little girl. Your staring at those boards as though you could burn a hole in them and run free. Come on trapped tiger, get washed, your hair needs it.”

                Chuckling he left the room, leaving her feeling like a three year old girl who had just stomped her foot and stuck her bottom lip out and she was embarrassed that he commented on her hair. She didn’t grumble anymore she swung her legs off the arm of the chair and slowly got up making her way to the bathtub which as always was filled with warm water. She wondered when Perttu had filled it, she didn’t remember him bringing water in through the bedroom, but then again she had not really paid attention to him.

A Beautiful SacrificeWhere stories live. Discover now