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I woke up to my loud ass alarm clock turn over to see my princess knock out sleep she so deaf i know she can hear it i turn it off get up went to the bathroom washup the brush my teeth put on my make up then put on my outfit

Then i made breakfast then i woke her up after 20 mins she was up and in the bathroom wash up brush her teeth i did her hair we ate put the dishes in the dish washer and we was gone i drop her off to school and i work at this Law Firm i did gradua...

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Then i made breakfast then i woke her up after 20 mins she was up and in the bathroom wash up brush her teeth i did her hair we ate put the dishes in the dish washer and we was gone i drop her off to school and i work at this Law Firm i did graduate college i did it for my daughter she can always say my mom did so can i.

Once i arrived at work i clock in and got to work i fax paper type of documents went to meeting with my boss and then at lunch i pick up my daughter took her home call the babysitter she would come over i would eat kiss my daughter bye and went back to work at 10 clock i clock out to by boss bye and went home pay the babysitter i wash up eat and brush my teeth and went to bed to do it all over again

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