Chapter 2 : Alive

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Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Woohyun clenched his eyes shut as another wave of nausea hit him, he leaned towards the sink and emptied his stomach once again, Sungyuu was patting his back warmly while muttering soft consoling words

" I told you not to eat two sandwiches on the plane .." Myungsoo spoke from behind startling both sungyuu and woohyun

" YAH! I DON'T NEED YOU TO REMIND ME ! " WOOHYUN half yelled from his weak state

"Are you feeling better? " sungyuu asked as he helped woohyun stand

" yes hyung.." woohyun said while nuzzling his face into sungyuu's neck, sungyuu patted his hair while Myungsoo shook his head with a small smile.

Infinite members, staff and managers were currently in Ifrane's entry, they had found a small restaurant and were just lazily sitting there waiting for the student's van to arrive , as a schedule , they were going to make a cut about their childhood and their student days since they will be working with students, they were going to shoot infinite while eating with the students and getting to know them, and then they were going to be doing some games and finally guessing where they will be staying to night, it was a simple schedule for infinite who is always used to complicated and way too packed calenders.

"Hyuuung ! are you okay now? Songjong asked as he fussed over woohyun who just nodded and gave him a thumbs up.

" Ahaha , I cannot wait I CANNOT WAIT I CANNOT WAIT ! " DONGWOO was chanting while jumping near a very bored but secretly amused Hoya who was shaking his head, sungyeol was poking sungyuu's cheeks trying to get him to give him one more snack, the latter was just ignoring him while glaring ahead at the managers.

The managers were on the phone with the students van wich was near the restaurant, they would arrive at any moment.

"sungyuu , do you think the students we will meet are inspirits? " woohyun asked , his eyes lighting up at the idea

Sungyuu shrugged not knowing the answer " probably not."

" Maybe they are just K pop fans, maybe they aren't K kpop fans at all " myungsoo gloomily answered as he adjusted his fluffy hair in front of his phone camera.

" Maybe they don't even know korea and are just here to talk about cultural things" sungyeol chimed in while grinning devilishly

Sungyuu pushed him while glaring " aisshhh why so pessimistic? "

Woohyun grabbed sungyuu and leaned his head on his shoulder while pretending to sooth him, the latter just watched the road waiting for the van to arrive.

Soon enough , the members were ushered inside a vacant room to have their make up and touch up and wear the clothes they will appear with while the students arrive .

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