Order Up!

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I sat on the chair in the dim light room supported by cinnamon smelling candles.  I smile as Sean was in the kitchen making something.
"You know you didn't have to do this right. " "Yup but I wanted to. " he then walk towards me with steaming hot pot.
"Order Up! " He said with can Italian accent.  He then open the steaming hot pot and serve spaghetti to me.
"Really Sean. " Giggling at him.  "What,  I hope you know your gonna try a lot of my cooking." "And why? " I ask.  "I wanna see your favorite and I'd you like my cooking. "

1 hour later

"Baby I'm too full to try anything else." I groaned loudly to him and close my eyes.  I then felt my body being pick up and carried somewhere.
My body drop onto a soft bed as Sean softly push me over to the right side. I then felt Sean cover me in blankets as we both cuddle under.
"Wanna hear and see something cool?" I humm 'yes' and then he clapp twice making the lights turned off.  "Sean,  your so fucking stupid. " O burst into laughter.  Soon he begin laughing too as room was filled with laughter.  "I love you. " I love you too." Sean then kisses my cheek and we both felled asleep.

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