Chapter 2

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Jugo's P.O.V.

I sat in my chains with my head to my knees mumbling to myself in the darkness.

"Two boys, one girl."

After I predicted what I sensed my cell door opened, revealing what I told myself to be true.

I breathed heavily after my battle with the one called, Sasuke, said to believe he killed Orochimaru.

The team was small, I could have escaped but, I had no where else to go, I couldn't stay here, they wouldn't let me so I went with them.

Once we stepped outside we went to a forest, the calm green colors calmed me out of my curse form.

I felt relaxed but all that changed when I heard Karin and Suigestu arguing but I kept my cool.

"How come she didn't have to go with us?"

I gave a confused look as I looked at Karin after Suigestu spoke.

'There's another member?'

I thought to myself, I couldn't sensed any other presence.

After I was pulled out of thought by silence the team was in a battle stance.

I heard someone land on the ground behind me and I went into curse mode and swung my fist.

Only to stop in front of a girl staring into my eyes without fear.

I stared into her (e/c) eyes as the wind from the swing slightly blew her (h/l) (h/c) back.

Your P.O.V.

"Jugo easy. It's just (Y/n), our other member."

You glanced over to Sasuke after giving the orange, spiky haired boy a nod as the black markings faded from his cheek.

"It's clear from here on out."

Sasuke gave you a nod and continued to walk past you, Karin did the same but with a growl and mumble under her breath.

"I could have told him that."

Suigestu P.O.V.

I walked up and stood next to Jugo as I slurped down my drink, I smirked seeing (Y/n) glare at Karin with a smirk of her own but my smirk soon faded when she looked back over at us.

"Welcome to the team Jugo."

After her normal smile she followed behind Sasuke and Karin.

Jugo did the same shortly after but I still was trying to get my mind wrapped around on what happened.

"She didn't move an inch once he swung at her?"

Your P.O.V.

"Alright. We'll camp here for the night."

You and Suigestu both cheered as the team reached the springs.

"Man I couldn't take another step."

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