Chapter 2 - In The Spotlight

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After the crew had chosen me an outfit and done my makeup and hair, it was time to go on air.  Everyone but Richard was huddled backstage waiting to be introduced one by one. I felt nervous about this being my first Friday Download but I knew my younger sister Amy was watching from home so that made me feel a bit better about it. Richard was the one introducing everyone today so he stood on the stage at the side of the main stage.

"Welcome to Friday Download, the download for the week ahead. Let's welcome your presenters..." Richard said enthusiastically.
He continued by shouting all our names, it felt kind of weird at first for him to shout out my name.
By the end of the show, I was exhausted. Shannon and Cel had already left as they lived all the way over in Manchester so it was just me, George, Richard and Dionne.  We were just chilling out in the entrance of the studios until Richard suggested going to the Nando's just around the corner.  We were not surprised that Richard said about going there because we all know he loves his chicken. 
When we were there and settled down, we started to really get into a conversation (and yes George was flirting with me).

"So what's your zodiac sign." He flirtatiously asks.

"I'm born December 30th so I am a Capricorn." I reply.

"I'm a Scorpio." He says staring into my eyes.

"And we are two Aquarius people." Dionne says with her head tilted over to Richard.

Not long after our food arrives at the table.

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