face to face

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Amelia's P.O.V

when Amelia got to the bowling place that Cole had ordered her to go to, she waited. not for Cole. for Dylan. she was weirdly excited to meet him face to face.

Amelia usually didn't go to hangouts like these, but this was an exception. she didn't know why she was so ready for it. especially because Cole wanted to take the relationship a step further. he wanted to take all of her. that way further than she ever wanted.

she just thought this relationship was a small fling. but Cole obviously took it seriously. maybe she should consider his offer. or not.

she decided to go over to the arcade games that no one ever played. the other football team was wrapping up and about to leave. there was some shouting between the quarterback Carter and a girl named Aubrey or Audrey, Amelia didn't pay much attention.

it wasn't any of her business.

"got a dollar?" a voice asks behind her. she turned around to come face to face with the fuckboy himself. Amelia suppressed a smile that was threatening to blow her emotionless cover.

"no. fuckboys should earn their own money." she replied, watching his face go from grinning handsomely to a relieved expression, probably because he thought she would refuse to talk to him.

"well, guess i'm in luck cuz I ain't no fuckboy." he replied, quoting their previous convo on text.

just then, the sliding doors opened to reveal Cole. she secretly hoped he wouldn't see Dylan and her together, but he did, giving Dylan a bro hug and kissing Amelia on the cheek. she stopped him before he could make a full make-out display in front of Dylan. he paused to look at her, giving her an extra long lingering suggestive look that told her that she'd embarrassed him.

Dylan stepped in between them, before anything could happen and diverted Cole's attention.

Dylan and Cole moved away and Amelia did her best to ignore both of them. the night went by surprisingly fast.

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