Chapter Two

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"I'm so pleased you got it babe" Clara was almost squealing with pride as I told her my audition had been successful. I had got the part I had wanted, in a new show which was due to air early next year. I was playing the role of a young woman called Stella who has psychiatric problems.

"Yeah me too" I reply as I walk towards the car park "Lord knows I need the money..."

"Well the stubborn ass in you does you mean, I thought Mr Hook-up offered to finance you" Clara said and I rolled my eyes. Mr Hook-up was her nickname for Ryan...Clara wasn't actually aware of his real identity, she had never seen him before and I didn't give her his name, hence why she nicknamed him Mr Hook-up.

"Yeah but I'm not a whore" I sigh nd can hear her dossapproval.

"Well I think you're an idiot, a man offers to support you financially is a rare find. I mean he treats you well right?" Clara begins her usual lecture.

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean he can..." I try and speak but surprise surprise Clare talks over me.

"Alright, alright" Clara finally admits defeat for now "I get it, I just think you give this guy so much of your time. Perhaps it wouldn't be a bad thing if you got something else out of it, other than good sex"

"Amazing sex" I corrected "And I do get alot out of of it...listen we aren't going to agree on this so shouldn't we just let it go before we fall out again?"

"Yeah okay, so when does this job start?" Clara changed the subject much to my relief.

"We meet for a script read through in a few weeks then filming should start in February" I reply.

"I'm really proud of you, you know and who knows maybe you could meet Mr Right at this gig...then you can brush Mr Hook-up off completely"

"Clara" I warn and she goes quiet for a moment.

"Alright I'm sorry" she apologised.


It's just fter 10pm and I find myself in familiar surroundings, I cut the engine and get out of my car before heading up the steps to the front door.

"Didn't have a better offer then?" Ryan greets me with a smug smile. I bite my lip and shake my head.

"Not this time" I reply and duck under Ryan's arm as he holds the door open for me. He closes it behind me and follows me down the hall. There is an overwhelming smell of food coming from the kitchen "Oh wow what's that? Is that dinner?"

"Yeah I thought we could celebrate your new job" Ryan is walking almost on my heels, I can feel his body brushing against my back.  He suddenly loops an arm around my waist as I get in the kitchen. His head buries in my hair and his lips find my neck "We've got a few hours before its ready" he whispers and I find myself surrendering to him once again, I let him lift me off the ground and push my body back into the wall. His kiss is intense and holds some urgency.

Ryan's hands are already unbottoning my shirt, as his body pushes me harder into the wall to stop me from falling down. I reach up and slide Ryan's hoodie off his shoulders and then lift his t-shirt up over his head.

It isn't long before I find myself laid down on the couch in the hall, Ryan between my open legs. I can feel his stubble against my cheek, he obviously hasn't had chance to shave, but I don't mind. I wait a few moments as I feel him unfasten his trousers before finally filling back arches and I let myself get lost in him, in all of him.

My hand grabs his hair as I feel a rush inside me then he let's out moans of ecstacy "Shit" He gasps before withdrawing. I can hardly catch my breath as I watch him stand up and fasten his jeans "I'll go and fix dinner, if you want to go and get cleaned up?"

"Yeah okay, thanks" I gather my things and walk quickly into the bathroom. Walking after sex isn't exactly comfortable but at least I don't have far to go. I run some water into the sink and grab the wash cloth off the side. As I look in the mirror I am reminded of the past and how horrific my life has been. I slide my shirt off my shoulders and get a closer a look.

"Do you want red or white wine...?" Ryan's sudden appearance causes me to quickly pull my shirt back up, he pauses for a moment before coming inside the bathroom completely "Sasha Red or white" he repeated.

"Erm red please" I reply and he moves closer to me, I watch through the mirror as he rests his hands on my hips and kisses my neck. He looked up and smiled through the mirror.

"Dinners almost ready, don't be long or it will get cold" he kissed me again and headed out of the room.


Our glasses clinked over the table of food and I found myself staring into Ryan's blue/grey eyes. I swear they changed whenever his mood did "Lost in my eyes again? I thought you argued the fact, that I owned you earlier?" He teased and I couldn't help but flirt with him.

"I wasn't arguing, I was just stating a fact. I don't have to come here every day, I could go anywhere to any should count yourself lucky I have chosen you Tedder" I smirk and he half smiles. I can see he is both amused and infuriated by my comment.

"Lucky or cursed? I haven't figured it out yet" he smirks before taking a mouthful of wine.

"Cursed well if that's the case then both of us must be cursed" Ryan laughs at my response, his smile fades as he reads a text on his phone "Something wrong?"

"Brent wants to come over and finish the album" Ryan sighs amd looks up at me.

"And that's a problem?" I'm curious.

"Well you can't be here if he comes..." I can't help but smile when I realise Ryan as I little gutted by this idea.

"Well that's okay I got what I came for" I smile and he throws me a cheeky grin "Aww what were you expecting seconds?"

"Maybe" he takes my hint and flirts back "Seconds, thirds, fourths, fifths...who knows. I mean we had all night" he adds.

"Well you'll just have to wait until tomorrow night won't you" I laugh and Ryan sulks "Or tell Brent you're busy tonight? I wouldn't advise it though, you are very behind schedule for the album deadline"

"Yeah you're right" Ryan sighed and I seize the opportunity to mock him further.

"Say that again, that was special" I torment him and he shakes his head.

"You're right" he frowns and then smirks "But only this one time so it should be noted in history"

We both smile, there is a ridiculous amount of chemistry at the table and I find myself glancing up at him more than once as we eat the rest of our food "So when do you go away again?"

"Day after tomorrow we fly to Europe" He replies coolly "We are there for a few days, then heading to China then back to Denver and finally back to LA, all before the end of the week"

"You serious?" I'm shocked by the amount of air miles Ryan clocks up in one trip "Jesus Ryan" I exhaled deeply.

"Crazy right?" He nods

"Yeah, so after that do you have any plans?"

"Well there's this gorgeous girl I might hook up with when I get back" Ryan is flirting with me again.

"Really, gorgeous huh?" I tease "And what if she's too busy for a hook up?"

"Oh she'll make time for me" he was sure of himself and I couldn't help but laugh.

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