Thy Object Perfects Thy Home To Perfect Standards Of Symmetry

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AUTHORS NOTE: this is just a one-shot I decided to write cause I was bored. Tell me what you think of this! Enjoy!


A boy with jet black hair and an odd accessory of three white lines in his hair walked home with two girls who seemed to make this boy perfect. His attire told everyone about his personality before he could lash out in his own OCD way. The girls, both at a teenage age of 15 or 16 were obviously sisters. The girls, at each side of the boy, perfected their picture of friendship and happiness. But truthfully, only one thing could make the boy happy....
     "Hey Kid, what was Maka talking about earlier? With the, erm, what did she call it?" The shorter girl with shoulder length, bright blonde hair and sky blue eyes asked the boy now known as Kid.
     "Do you mean the thrift store, Patty?" The older sister replies. This girl, much taller than the other with longer, sandy blonde hair and deep blue eyes.
     "I believe that place is trash. Why would anyone go and buy already used objects? Who knows who could've touched those things. What was on their hands? Where was the object placed? Everything is filthy." Objected Kid. The taller girl rolled her eyes. "What are you rolling your eyes for, Liz? You know I'm right. I know you wouldn't buy any of your grooming products from there." The taller, sandy blonde haired girl, Liz, grimaced. Kid hmphed, making his point.
     "Oh, but Maka was talking about a stuffed animal! And not just any animal, she said it was a giraffe! Can we please check it out?" Pleaded Patty.
     "No, I'm never stepping a single foot even near that property." Kid said. Patty pouted and turned to her older sister with puppy eyes.
     "Sorry Patty. I'd say yes, but I'm broke. Kid's the one with the money." Liz said. Patty pouted and slumped her shoulders in defeat. She really wanted that stuffed animal....
     The three teens reached their home at last, after a day of listening to lecturing and having scalpels thrown at their heads. Their favorite, but insane, teacher Dr.Stein never showed mercy with those damned scalpels....
     Kid unlocked the mansion's door and let the girls inside before closing the entry behind him. He put the key on the side table near the door and clapped his hands back and forth, as if removing whatever dirt that could've jumped onto his hand from touching the door knob. He was definitely paranoid after thinking of that filthy thrift shop...
"Girls, I'm going upstairs to wash up. Don't make a mess of the kitchen please." Kid called through the house. He waited a moment for an answer and got a unison "okay!" from the kitchen. He nodded in approval and headed up the seemingly endless stairway to the second floor, where his bedroom would be. It was the girls night to cook and it made him nervous every time. Of course he had duties to take care of, but those girls always needed to be looked after. There were multiple times when he's arrived downstairs and had to quickly find the fire extinguisher before his kitchen was burned to nothing. He sighed, remembering every tragic moment he had to replace the stove and the counter. Once even the fridge....
He reached his bedroom and locked the door behind him. He stripped himself of his very admirable and symmetrical suit that he wore every day with pride. He searched his closest for a more casual and comfortable attire for dinner. He invited Maka over as a thank you for watching his mansion and the girls while he went on a mission for his father. No reason to be fancy with a very loved and close friend.
He found some black slacks and a t-shirt with stripes at both sides. The t-shirt wasn't exactly his favorite, but it was tolerable. There was a place at his neckline where the shirt separated slightly with buttons on one side, though it was just for decoration, it didn't really button up. Either way, those damned buttons made the nice shirt unsymmetrical.... He promised he could tolerate it though. He put on his chosen clothing and admired himself in the mirror. Nice, very nice. Always perfe- wait... What's this? He leaned towards the mirror, examining the fake button up portion of his neckline and nearly screamed. The button in the middle of three was missing! He began to panic. Where did the button go? When had it fallen off? Why hadn't he noticed this sooner?
He looked at the clock. It's only four, surely he could head to town and find a button to replace it before six, when Maka would be over, right? He pondered this for a few moments before realizing he was wasting his time and grabbed his coat to go out and search for the perfect button.
    Now where could he start? Clothing stores should do... He entered his first shop, wandering for a little while trying to find the buttons. After noticing he's spent twenty minutes dinking around, he found a store clerk and tried to find the buttons.
     "Excuse me ma'am, would you mind showing me where buttons are?" Kid asked this lady politely. She looked up from her computer with an eyebrow raised.
    "I'm sorry sir. Er, sorry, young shinigami-sama, but we don't have stray buttons. You either buy a whole shirt or deal with the missing button." The woman apologized to him. Kid stared at her for a few moments. What kind of clothing store doesn't give stray buttons!? He coughed into his hand, thanked her, and left the store. He glared at it as he walked away. He found himself in the middle of the street thinking of which clothing store to go to next.
After wandering the city and going to every store, taking a full hour and a half, Kid sat on a park bench sighing in desperation. He's searched everywhere. He even went to a craft store, where he did indeed find buttons, but none of them matched his. They were either a different color, different design, or different size. He already had to deal with a semi-asymmetrical shirt, there was no way he was going to have a mismatched button too. Where else could he go? He checked his watch, he only had twenty minutes before Maka would be over for dinner. He sighed once again.
"Where'd you get that coat?" A girl asked her friend as they walked by him. The coat was fur with a decorative pattern in the hood. She wore it like a prize.
"Oh, that new thrift store near the DWMA. It was five dollars! Can you believe!?" Then they were out of earshot of Kid. Kid stared at their back side as they continued walking and was thinking, but noticed that a girl glared at him. He turned away, blushing as he realized what the girls were thinking he was doing....
Of all places, did he really have to go to the trashiest place of Death City to find a simple button? He sighed for the third time, this time of defeat, and got up from the bench. He began to walk in the direction of the thrift store and found himself appalled.
     He reached the thrift store and hesitated to enter. Could he just go home and deal with the missing button? He shivered. No, no he can't. Damn him and his OCD. He took a deep breath and entered the shop.
     "Good afternoon sir!" Cheered a young girl behind the register counter. He gave her a polite smile and walked away, grimacing at everything he accidentally touched and saw. The clothing stores didn't have his button, how could the thrift store have it? He walked a little more and saw the stuffed giraffe the Patty was talking about. Who knows who touched that? Disgusting...
     "Is there anything specific you're looking for sir?" Asked the girl behind the counter after he's been walking around for ten minutes. He was wasting his time. He looked around the current shelf he was staring at before answering the girl.
     "Do you have buttons anywhere?" He asked her. She rose an eyebrow in question but changed her expression into a bright smile and began to walk towards him.
     "Certainly. We have a whole bucket of buttons that fall off of clothing. Hold on while I get it from the back." She left me and went through some dark door in the back of the store. He looked around the store some more while she was gone. Most of this store is trash, he didn't know why he's wasting- wait... What's that!? He stopped at a rack with two Chinese dolls that looked exactly alike with the same pose, but in opposite directions. They're completely symmetrical! How could someone give this away!? He looked at the dolls closely and there was no way he was going to leave them here. They'd go somewhere in his house, somewhere perfect.
     "Okay sir, here's your buttons. There are quite a lot so I hope you find the one you're looking for." The girl said as she was coming back. She noticed that Kid had the two Chinese dolls that she donated to the store in his hands. Apparently he likes them, because he was practically drooling. She made a nervous sound and set the bucket next to him, silently and slowly stepping away from him. He's freaky, she thought.
     Kid noticed the bucket, but the girl was gone. How strange... He shrugged and looked through the bucket for about five minutes. He compared a few with his and none of them matched... He was about to give up and just throw his shirt away when he found a button that seemed to look the same. He picked it up and examined it closely. Yes! This is the right button! He became really excited and humor up real fast. He would finally be symmetrical again! He was so happy that he grabbed a few more things from the store and paid for his items. He ran home happily.
     "Girls I'm home!" He said as he slammed his front door behind him. Liz came around the corner with a smirk on her face.
     "Where have you been? Maka is already here. She's washing up in the bathroom." Liz said. Kid looked at his watch and made sure to look at his other one, to make it symmetrical, and saw that in fact it was ten minutes past Maka's arrival time.
     "Stall for ten minutes please. I have something to do and I'll be ready." Kid pleaded her. Liz rolled her eyes and flicked her hand to shoo him away. He smiled and ran up the stairs.
     He set his bag of trinkets down and went to find a needle and black thread. After searching and obtaining the things he needed, he pulled his shirt off and sewed his button on exactly where it needed to be. He looked at his masterpiece and kissed his button in pride.  He put his shirt on again and grabbed his trinket bag. He began to run down the stairs and realized how unformal he looked. So he hurriedly slowed himself down and walked down the stairs peacefully.
     "Oh Kid! I was wondering where you went. Come on, sit with us, Liz was telling a story." Maka said scooting out the seat next to her. Kid gave her a bright smile and sat next to her. Maka realized his bag and tilted her head in wonder. "What's that?" She asked him. He lifted it up and set it on the table.
     "I did a little shopping. Which is why I'm late. I apologize. But I found some nice things." He explained. He opened up his sack of trinkets and pulled out a present he bought for Maka. He set a pair of small and beautiful Lord Death mask barrettes. "You might want to wash those before you use those though." He warned her, remembering that he got them from the thrift store.
     "Oh wow Kid. These are really pretty. Thank you. Where did you get them?" Maka asked him. He put a finger up to signal her to wait and ruffled through his bag some more. He pulled out a picture of Liz's favorite song artist and slid it across the table to her. Liz was wide eyed and carefully picked up the picture as if it were a delicate ceramic piece. Then he pulled out his wonderful symmetrical decor and set it on the table in front of him. Lastly, he picked up a stuffed giraffe and slid it across the table to Patty.
     "Giraffe! Oh thank you Kid!" Patty squealed and jumped across the table to hug and squeeze him near to death. Liz had a sarcastic smirk on her face.
     "You went to the thrift store, didn't you?" Liz said. Kid looked up and gave her a small, teasing glare. "Mhm, he did. I thought that place was 'too filthy' for your tastes?"
     "Be quiet Liz. It's not like I wanted to. I had to. My shirt button was missing and that was the only place that actually had a button to match." He explained. Liz rolled her eyes and leaned back in her chair. Suddenly the kitchen alarm went up and we all jumped out of our seats.
     "Liz! You're supposed to be cooking!" He yelled at her.
     "I'm sorry!" She screamed as she ran to the kitchen. After a few moments the alarm shut off and Liz peered around the corner. She sighed, "the food isn't burned. I promise. But... The oven is..." She slowly said. Everyone looked at kid, whose face was a brighter red than a fire itself.
     "LIZ!" He screamed. Liz backed up and ran to the kitchen, where Kid followed. Tons of noises were heard and even the sound of a cat yelping.
And although Kid will need to buy a new oven again, he felt extremely resolved having found his button and a symmetrical decoration to go into his home. (Even though he feels like taking eight showers from being in the thrift store)

                         !THE END!

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