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Harry shuffled to class, he hadn't gotten much sleep at all and was dreading going to his next class. Potions. With the Slytherins. With Malfoy. He sighed, running one hand through his messy hair.

He hated Malfoy. He hated the way he walked, the way he talked, his stupid smirk, his perfect soft hair, and crystal blue eyes to match, his perfectly sharp features, his beautiful smile, his- Wait, what?! No! This is Malfoy for Merlins sake!
Harry dismissed the thought.

He was nearing his least favorite class room when he smelled something odd. Something, good.
It smelled like, treacle tart, the woody sent of a broomstick handle, and something...Musky. Like the forbidden forest mixed with a hint of a masculine sent. Like an extremely expensive cologne. He stood there and breathed in the pleasant sent for a few more moments before exhaling sharply and pushing open the doors to his potions classroom.

"Ah, Potter. I see you decided to show up for class today." Snape said Potter with such displeasure it made Harry cringe.

"Obviously," Harry muttered under his breath, though loud enough for a few people to hear.

"Well, seeing as you are late, once again, I assume you already guessed that you will be having detention this afternoon then?" Snape said, as he moved his hair out of his face.

Harry sighed. "Yes professor." He then headed toward his seat.

"Potter!" Snape yelled. Harry froze and turned around on his heels slowly, looking rather displeased. "You'll be sitting in the front of the class until further notice, so I can keep an eye on you." Snape gestured to the open seat in the front of the class room.

Harry followed his hand and his eyes widened as he realized just who he would be sitting next to. Malfoy.

Harry groaned. "But Professor-" He was cut off when Snape raised his hand and pointed to his seat, as if to say, 'end of discussion'.

Harry sighed, knowing that arguing wouldn't help and shuffled to his seat. He plopped down in his chair with a grunt and crossed his arms on his desk.

"Potter," There was that familiar harsh voice. Harry saw this coming but was still rather annoyed. Ah, bloody hell. Here we go again.

"Malfoy." He replied simply in the same tone.

"Look, just shut up, stay out of my way, do what I say, and this should go over rather smoothly." Draco spat.

"Yeah. Because you're always right." Harry shot back sarcastically.

Draco shot him a sideways glare and continued to stir the, partially done, bubbling potion. "Yes. That is correct. Nice to see you've actually learned something in the six years you've been here, Potter." Draco smirked as he saw Harry's face full of rage and turned his attention back to his notes.

Harry mumbled something that sounded suspiciously like "Bloody git" before turning to his notes as well and beginning to crush up ingredients. There peace was temporarily interrupted when Neville and Ron's potion blew up...Again.

That's when Draco made the mistake of laughing. But he didn't just laugh. "Ha! Look at the Weasel go! He's even more of a failure that you, Potter!" He laughed at his own joke, apparently finding himself humorous.

"Oh, shove it Malfoy!" Potter snapped, standing up, obviously still annoyed from their first argument.

Draco smirked that famous Malfoy smirk before standing up and looking down at the slightly shorter boy. "Make me."

Harry opened his mouth to yell a smart remark but was interrupted by a book that hit him in the back of the head. It seemed the same happened to Malfoy and when he looked up, Snape was pointing then both toward the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2016 ⏰

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