Can't Spell Love Without L [Act 3 - Page 9]

Start from the beginning

And when he adjusted the zoom twice, he couldn't help but release a choke gasp.

L quirked his head, and along with Light, they glanced at the laptop screen that Rue was working with.

"What's wrong?"

Instead of a verbal response, he spun the laptop so that they will be able to view it better.

Blonde fringe, blue eyes, a stance similar to a model.

The air between the three became heavy and tense, and Rue was alerted when he saw L clenching and releasing his bony fist, the knuckles turning white whenever closing the said appendage.

L reached for his phone, and with the speed dial of Watari's number, he spoke with haste.

"Please prepare the car. We will be arresting a criminal today."


"Uhh...yeah? Who is this?"

"Matt, this is L.  I need your help with hacking Misa's system. She runs a rather tight security, but I believe that your skills are more than enough to unlock the room where Amaryllis is. Can you do that now?"

"Sure, L. I'll wake Mello too. How much time do you need?"

"As much as possible, please crack it for less than an hour."

"Heh. That will be easy. I'll start now."

"Oh, and Matt?"


"Thank you very much."

Matt smiled. "No worries."


Her head was spinning.

That was the very first thought of Amaryllis when her consciousness regained. Her vision was still blurry and her body swayed back and forth. She felt her head swimming in pain, but her attention was grounded when she heard footsteps coming to her location.

She snapped her eyes open and wide, and found that she was bound and gagged with rope and thick piece of cloth respectively. She struggled through the ropes that held her wrists tightly, trying hard to release her hands or at least have some sort of relief from the tight binding. The ropes were burning her skin, and it will surely mark for several days.

Manic laughter was heard when she rubbed her wrists together. She turned her head, searching for the awfully familiar voice.

A few more clacking of high heels, and Misa appeared from the darkness, the model holding a whip on her right hand and a bottle of unknown transparent liquid on the other.

Amaryllis stared at her in horror, her head once again spinning at the thought of torture. Misa looked at her with a devilish smirk in her lips and kneeled down in front of her.

“Don’t worry, Amaryllis. I won’t make this very hard for you if you’ll agree with my condition.” She sweetly said while her long fingernails grazed her face, sending shivers down her spine. Amy tried to give a reply, but her voice sounded muffled through the gag. The model smiled again and pulled the gag harshly, bruising her cheek. Amaryllis groaned lightly, not wanting to be hurt again.

Misa chuckled and stood up, her finger playing with the whip rather carelessly. “So here’s the deal.” She lifted the torture device and continued. “Transfer the inheritance to my name and you’ll be saved from my wrath.” The model looked at her as if she’s some dirt that blocked her way.

Amaryllis was shocked at how easy she will be able to pass this phase. “S-Sure. I’ll do it.”

The blonde smiled again, but this time, Amy knew that there is a mischief behind it. Without any word, Misa kneeled again and untied the ropes around her before she stood up once again, looking down at her with a deadpanned expression. The captive let out a low moan, trying to stand up, but failed miserably when Misa whipped her with a great amount of force, sending her tumbling down and screaming in pain, a large, open cut decorating her shoulder and chin and blood oozing from the huge wound.

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