'You a lyin' bitch!' She leaped over the security trying to get to the girl but only managed to grab her hair. Of course the friends wig fell off sending the audience in an uproar and causing Jerry to say one of his infamous lines about weave. I sat uninterested in the show as Shy literally laughed until he couldn't anymore. He was out of breath, tears streaming down his face from laughing so damn hard.

"These bitches is ratchet!" He managed to get out in between his laugh. He calmed down enough to take another pull from his blunt. Looking down at me, he spoke. "C'mere..." His voice came out low and slow because he still had smoke in his mouth. I sat up on the side of him, but he pulled me so that I sat in his lap. He wrapped his arm around my waist, placing his hand at the top of my leggings. He played with the elastic waistband at the top, trailing his finger back and forth across it while he held his blunt in his other hand. I held my hands together letting them rest at the base of his stomach. Looking into Shy's eyes for a short while I wondered what he wanted. He turned his head to the side long enough to blow out the smoke and take another pull, then looked back at me. His face slowly came closer to mine until our lips touched and I felt the smoke going into my mouth. I already knew he was gonna shotgun me, so I didn't overreact. It was his thing. Weird, yes, but I went along with it.

As he blew into my mouth, I inhaled. We pulled away from each other and I blew the smoke out in perfect O's like he had taught me to do. "That shit is sexy as fuck." Shy spoke lowly, gripping a handful of my ass into his hand. It was then that I noticed his hand had moved from playing with the elastic of my leggings to actually being inside my leggings, holding my ass.

I blushed against my will knowing that something as simple as smoking was turning him on. For some reason it always did. He said it was something about the way my jaw bone looked when I blew out the smoke. The day Shy told me that, I laughed hard, but I continued to do it for him because of the satisfaction it gave him. Making him feel good, made me feel good.

We went on smoking until the blunt was just a roach and would more than likely burn our fingers if we continued to smoke it. Shy blew the last of his smoke into my mouth and sat back with low eyes, watching as I blew out three circles. Sucking the last circle back in, then blowing it out normally. Shy laughed at that. "I taught you well huh, bae?" I nodded my head, joining him in laughter. I couldn't deny that Shy didn't teach me everything I knew about weed. From breaking it down to rolling to smoking. Hell he even taught me a bunch of different types and what they looked like.

Shy placed his other hand into my pants palming and massaging as he flipped us over on the couch and started to suck on my neck. His full lips softly caressed my skin leaving behind a tingle. "Shy... Don't leave no marks on me." I breathed out. The pleasure was amazing no doubt, but if my grandparents, or better yet Caleb, seen me walking into the house on a school day with hickies lining my neck they would flip shit and then kill me. I'm supposed to be at school, not out in the boonies fucking on a nineteen year old. Hell, he's older than my brother.

Shy sucked harder and I knew for sure that there was a mark there by now. My skin was only half a shade lighter than caramel, I can't hide this. I placed my palm on his chest pushing Shy away from me. "Babe, I said don't do that." I pouted.

"I'm sorry, you know how I get when I smoke ba-" I cut him off, scowling.

"Don't 'bae' me right now, Shytrell." He groaned, picking his body up from mine and sitting straight up. He opened the small drawer on his coffee table and pulled out another rolled blunt and a lighter. I could hear him mumbling saying that I blew his high or whatever the case may be, but at this point I myself was upset that he gave me a hickie. In all of our sexual advances I had never once allowed him to give me a hickie. I'm only fourteen, I can't walk around with hickies and think I'm cute, it's not cute. "Listen..." I spoke more calm. "I'm sorry for snapping, but you know that was wrong."

"You my girl ain't you? I'm tired of hiding this shit. If I want to suck on yo neck and turn that whole bitch purple I will."

"Not now. Give it a little more time please."

"How much more time you want? It's been damn near a year Kay!" I flinched a little at the base in his voice. Not only was it rare of him, it was a turn on. It killed me inside to see him upset right now, though. I don't know why I was feeling sorry for him when he's the one that did something wrong to me. I mean it was just a hickie, but it was one that I couldn't hide. I couldn't pull on a pair of jeans or tug my shirt over it until it faded away. I would have to take makeup from my older sister to cover it up.

I stood from the couch making my way to kitchen. I picked up the wine cooler that Shy had bought especially for me, opened it and took a sip. After that first sip I quickly washed down the rest of the drink, not taking breaks in between. Me being a light weight, I could feel a little buzz. I wasn't drunk and I was still in my right mind, but I definitely had gained a little more courage.

Making my way back to the living room, I reclaimed my spot in Shy's lap. I straddled his hips and rubbed his shoulders in a deep back and forth motion. "What you want, Cadence?" Annoyance was laced thick in his voice. I brushed it off leaning forward to kiss his cheek, then his lips. At first he didn't kiss back which annoyed the hell out of me, but when he finally gave in it was the most amazing kiss. He pulled away from me and smirked. "You know I can't stand you, right?"

"But you know you love me, right?" I mimicked in his same tone.

"Yeah." He nodded bringing his face back to mine.

Our intense kiss was interrupted by the ringing of my phone. I sighed and pulled my lips from his. "Nah, don't answer it bae." He pecked my jaw, then my neck. In the heat of the moment I had all thought of saying okay and leaving my phone to ring, but on my better judgement I knew it could be important. I was still supposed to be in school, so why would someone be calling me right now. I reached my phone that was in the front pocket of my hoodie and answered after seeing Caden's, my older sister, name flash across the screen.

"Sup?" I answered nonchalantly. Shy was still kissing my face and neck as his hands traveled south down my body.

"You're not at school because...?" She spoke loud and annoyed.

"Because I'm not... What Caden?" I sighed.

"I'm leaving. I was going to come and get you out too. I'll just say you stayed in."

"Okay." I spoke softly as the air got caught in my lungs. Shy had placed his hand in the front of my leggings and was sucking hard at my neck. "I have to go, bye." I quickly hung up, getting back into full swing of what was happening. Shy always knew what to do to make my body feel right and I would like to think I knew what to do for his. I was still learning though, he was my teacher. This was the way we fixed most of our problems, sex. I mean we don't have extreme relationship troubles, but small arguments like what we just had. Sex is almost always the answer.

I threw my head back allowing Shy more access as his middle finger moved inside of me. We were both still fully clothed, but that didn't make a difference to how close I felt to him right now. He stood from the couch, heading towards to stairs with one arm wrapped around my waist and one hand still in my pants. He walked upstairs to his bedroom all the while keeping his smooth pace inside of me. I was in a state of pure ecstasy as he laid me on the bed and removed his clothes then mine. He looked down at my naked body before coming to me, kissing me hard as he entered me.


So, I mean it's one day after I gave myself a week to update... I was excited to start this, so I mean why not start it? Don't mind my annoyingness right now. (Yes, I know 'annoyingness' is not a word.)

Anyways if you read Statistics, what do you think? Is this what you thought their relationship would be like or no? Let me know your thoughts babes!

If you didn't read Statistics then still let me know what you think?

K, bye!

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