i only drew this so i could do these tags

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hurri tagged me in a thing

1)) r u self taught or  did u take classes

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1)) r u self taught or  did u take classes

self taught lel ((bless u kienan lafferty))

2)) do you consider yourself a good artist

not yet lol

3)) how long have you been drawing

lmao a year now fjskfjs i started in november last year and im glad i did

4))what annoys u the most abt being an artist

knowing that somethings wrong but not knowing how to fix it

5)) what do you draw the most

idk lmao girls or fanart??? idk

6)) how old r u

lmao hunt for it bby

7)) traditional or digital

i like traditional but im lazy so digital

8)) has someone ever said u were bad

most people online know i dont care so no ones ever said anything and i dont show irl people my art so a dab for my compadres

9)) who inspired u

Bevsi (or beverly johnson)) was my biggest inspiration but i was more encouraged to upload my stuff after seeing people like strahberri and fancysnake so bless them

i tag

anyways ozzy-chan tagged me like a furry to do this one

anyways ozzy-chan tagged me like a furry to do this one

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1) do i like someone


2) do they like me

i hope so lol

3) middle name


4) single or taken

taken lmao

5) last person i texted


6) last song i listened to
final de temporada

7) battery %

39 w h eeze

8) girl best friend

elegantmeow and ozzy chan desu

9)) guy best pal

chakf idk lol but my closed dude bros are alex and miels

10)) fav otp

pls do not hurt m e fjskfmckefk widowtracer

11) why i made my account

lol to read percabrth fanfictions since i real all the good ones on fanfiction.net

12) current lockscreen

12) current lockscreen

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13) birthday


it s over

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it s over

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