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*sighs* y'all better get ready for a looooong rant about my king, and my purpose.


let me just start off my saying how proud of Justin I am. As you all know, bieber is my king. He's my love, my world, my inspiration, my idol, my king, my purpose, my everything. I love him with all my heart, even tho I haven't met him.

It's been 365 days since Justin released his masterpiece Purpose. And since then, I really have found my true purpose. I am so inspired by him, and I love how he named his album purpose, because he wanted his beliebers to find their purpose.

This year has been such a crazy wonderful weird sad awful year for him...if that makes any sense. He's won his first Grammy, which is absolutely amazing. He's started the purpose world tour (which I was lucky enough to be apart of) he deleted his Instagram, which was his choice (or was it? People say that Sofia Richie actually deleted it while he was doing a show) he stopped taking photos with fans (which again was his choice, and we have no choice but to respect his decision...even tho he still sometimes takes pics with fans) he's walked off stage, and apologized for it. He's also taking online COLLEGE courses WHILE on TOUR. like hello, this is why he inspires me. He's been on tour for so long, but still wants to complete his education.

I just love him so much, and I'm so proud of him even when he sometimes makes decisions that aren't the best.

He's my purpose. I've found my purpose, and so has he. And I hope that by the end of this year, you find your purpose too. Because no matter who you are, what you look like, YOU deserve happiness, and YOU have a purpose. So stay strong beautiful.

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