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Yesssssssss. Yes. Yessss. Yess. Yes.

This time, I think I can even...I think😏

So basically, Bae took a picture of himself with his freaking eyes closed.

If that doesn't scream talent, I don't know what does. (Jk jk😂)

Them eyelashes tho...longer than mine☹. Why do boys have to have way longer lashes than girls?! don't make no sense. (What up, Purpose delux reference) ohhhh snap, (what up Lilly Singh/ iisuperwomanii reference)😂😂😏

I know, I know...I'm really funny.


It looks like he's somewhere nice and warm...definitely not Canada☹.

And in the shadow I can see his shadow.

That made no sense. (You already knew I was gonna do this: What up, Purpose delux reference💣💣)

His tattoos are making me swoon. I love all of them!!

And in the background, I can see turquoise water!!!! WHAT?!

I wish we had that here in Canada☹. Ughhhhhhhh

But let me know what you think!!
Did you like this chapter? Did you? Did you? Did you? 😂 sorry I'm super hype rn. (Is it too late now to say sorry🎙) mic dropped🎤

Let me know by commenting and voting!! It makes me smile🙃

Love and support always,

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