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  After dinner Blue went to his room to make the bed for him and Edge. He wanted everything to be perfect.  After he made the bed he hopped into the shower. When he finished he got dressed in the bathroom and got ready for bed. He walked out of the bathroom and saw Edge walking in the room and shut the door. "Oh hey Edge are you gonna shower ?" Blue asked. " naw I don't really feel like it I'm just gonna change into something more comfortable." Blue just nodded, went to his bed and started playing with a small puzzle.

   Edge took off his collar and jacket he didn't really know where to put them or any of his clothes. " hey Blue where should I put my clothes?" Blue looked up from his puzzle. " oh, if you need then to be washed the laundry basket of over there and- wait what's that on your arms." Blue's expression suddenly grew worried. Before Edge had the time to react Blue jumped out it the bed and grabbed his arm. " Edge what is this?!! Did you do it?" Blue was in the middle of shouting and trying not to cry. He may act like a kid at times but he knew what cutting was and sex and all of that he wasn't a baby. " B-Blue I... I'm sorry." Edge spoke and looked away.

  They stood there in silence for a few minutes until Blue spoke. " take off your shirt." Edge flinched at the command and started to blush.  " w-what, why there's nothing interesting under it." Edge started shaking a little worried Blue would find out his secret. " just do it!" Blue spoke louder. Edge sighed knowing he wasn't going to win this battle. Hesitantly he reached for the hem of his shirt and stopped when he grabbed it. After a few seconds of collecting himself he quickly pulled his shirt off and stared at the ground. Blue stood there, dark eyes, no expression, he couldn't believe what he saw. Some of his ribs were cracked and there were large scars on his upper arms. There were smaller cuts in his lower arms but Blue knew where they came from.

" why"

" who"

  Edge fell to his knees and started to silently sob, remembering where the scars came from.  A bone, a whip, his fist, a blade. Blue knelt down beside him and hugged hum gently. " Papyrus, back at home he takes his anger out on me.  He may be younger than me but h-." Edge couldn't hold back and started sobbing uncontrollably, which came to a surprise to Blue. " it's ok now he's never going to burnt you again. If you don't mind he asking is he the reason you cut yourself." Blue got no verbal answer just a slight nod. They say hugging each other for a long time. Blue waiting for Edge to calm down. When that didn't happen Blue sat back and lifted Edge's head up and kissed him softly. This seemed to work and Edge slowly stopped crying. They took a breath.

" Edge, I love you" Blue whispered. Edge hugged Blue suddenly. " I love you too."

Edge whimpered a little. The suddenly movement he did strained his body. He groaned and put a hand around his rib cage and curled up a little. " Edge what's wrong? What hurts." Blue became frantic not knowing what to do. Edge     sat up shivering and looked down at a cracked rib. "This happens a lot, ngh, i-it'll pass, AGH!" Edge curled up waiting for the pain to stop. Blue held back unwanted tears at the sight of his love in pain and carefully got him to the bed. " this may hurt but you have to lay down, I'm going to heal you." Blue said this with a very serious tone because healing takes a lot of power and some hp. " B-Blue don't I d-don't want you to get hurt." Edge sat up a little and grabbed Blue's arm. Blue just shook his head and gently pushed Edge back down.

He put his hand on the cracked rib that was giving the most pain and closed his eyes. A green light illuminated from Blue's hand, the pain stopped and the rib healed leaving a light scar. He did this to the rest of his ribs so they wouldn't bother him. " B-Blue are you ok that was a lot." Edge sat up and caught Blue who passed out on the bed. Edge checked his stats.

Attack: 20
Defense: 20
HP: 120/250

Edge gasped. His hp had gone down by a lot and could take him a few days to restore it. Right now all Blue needs is rest. Hell wake up weak in the morning but he will be fine. " damnit B why'd ya have to do that." Edge sobbed quietly with Blue in his arms. He got more comfortable and hugged his love close until he fell asleep. 

Oh man that was long but I'm not gonna write anymore for now I'll update tomorrow

Edgeberry (Uf Sans X Us Sans) Where stories live. Discover now