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Yuri POV
What time is it
I look at my clock and it was 2:00 am
Jeez why is it so early I might go to the ice rink I can't shake this feeling that I have when I'm with victor maybe it's because he's so hot and he is so kind and cut- THE HELL WHAT ON EARTH WHY AM I THINKING OF HIM LIKE THIS that's it I'm going to the rink
I got to the rink and started skating when I finished I heard clapping
who's here!
I turned around and saw Christophe he skated towards me and grabbed my hands
"No matter what you say I see potential in you you were probably just stressed and shocked last time I saw you just think about becoming my student and maybe something more than that"
He winked at me which made me really creeped out he leaned in towards to kiss me while I was backing away but I hit something cold and hard Christophe now was hovering over me about to kiss me than
Christophe was on the floor followed by victor
"Oh sorry I must of fell while I was skating"
"Wow the amazing victor falling I thought he couldn't"
When he said that you could tell a lot of sarcasm was I'm that sentence which made me really irritated
"It's really late Yuri how about we go on a walk"
"Or you could come with me for a walk it will so much more better"
He winked at me really creepy and it sent shivers down my spine
"Hmp I'll go with victor thank you very much"
"Hm suit yourself you will change your mind once you find out victors secret, maybe he'll tell you or you will find out or when the time is right I'll tell you"
"What secret!"
"Come on Yuri Christophe has no idea what he's on about"
Hmm I wonder what this secret it is I need to find out

We were on the pier in a calm silence when I broke it
"Victor you can tell me the secret I won't judge you or leave you"
"Yuri it's not that it's just I don't like telling people because it was a dark moment of my past"
"You can tell me I will be here for you but if you don't trust me than its ok"
"No Yuri it's not that I don't trust you in fact I'll tell you just please don't think I'm wired or judge me"
"Ok I'm listing"
"Well when I was younger-

Cliff hanger
sorry 😅 i just thought it would fun to leave a cliff hanger I'll probably update later today so you don't have to wait as long
Thank you for reading byeeee

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