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Malai (Ma-lay) in the mm 😌

I wanted to take a new approach and write something that wasn't really common. Mixing royalty with the street life. It's not common which is why I decided to be one of the few people to write a book like this. I believe that it will spark a lot of different interests and if not then oh well the ones that don't like the idea don't have to read my book. Anyways I hope those that do, enjoy and take this journey with me and these two characters who's lives will be changing. Shall we?


Malai Nubia Amaranu

"lai are you packed and ready to go?" my mother asked

"Yess mama I am." I said adjusting my tiara in my fluffed out Afro in the mirror of my bedroom.

"okay well come on our driver is waiting on us and you know it's a long trip from here to there , let's go." she said before walking out and disappearing somewhere into the palace hallway.

I rolled my eyes and huffed walking over to the wall and pressing the intercom

"Mulan can you and osanu come get the rest of my things and put them into the car please?" I asked in my nicest tone hiding my irritation the best I knew how.

Mulan was like my caretaker/bestfriend.

I know weird right?

Well being a princess isn't all its cut out to be.
Rules are strict and security is tight so I don't get out to mingle much.

Therefore Mulan is my person.

"Yess ma'am right away." she answered quickly

I hated when she called me that or answered to me like a servant but I knew it was her job.

Not long after answering my request she and my male servant osanu were there to get the rest of my things for our move into the city of a state called California.

We'd been in Egypt all my life and so when my mom said that she'd take me up on the offer of going to the states I was more than ready. I knew I'd probably like it better than her though. I probably wouldn't fit in much but it's worth a shot. I'd heard talk about the states around the kingdom and I figured why not try living there for awhile? Like what's the worst that could happen? Right..

"You excited about heading to the states Nubia?" Mulan asked calling me by my middle name.
"I'm excited but I don't know what to expect I mean I'm sure I'll have to adjust to the different
things, people, and surroundings but I'm really not sure what to expect." I said playing with my necklace that my great grandmother Chikelu gave me before she died. This was something I did when I was nervous and right now my nerves were all over.
Thoughts rushed through my mind left and right.
What if I don't fit in?
What if people don't like my accent?
What if I dress weird compared to them?
What if what if what if
"Don't worry yourself,  you're
beautiful and a wonderful human being I'm sure they'll love you in the states." she assured me holding the sides of my face.
"Thanks you always know what to say to relieve my stress." I said nodding and continuing to walk to the car waiting to drive us to the airport.
"Of course it's my job." she said while holding the door as I walked out.
Chuckling I agreed.
Greeting the driver I awaited for him to open the door , as he did I slid in next to my mama and buckled in while Mulan and Osanu loaded up the trunk.
At last Mulan got in sitting next to me.
My mother figured that she should come with me and keep me grounded and not feel too alone out there.She knew how close we were and she respected it, that I love her even more for.
My papa on the other hand thought that it was unprofessional for us to have a close relationship other than her waiting on me hand and foot.
Which is why we don't see eye to eye at all.
He treats me like a little girl and not like the grown woman that I will soon be in 3 more months.
Which is why I'm glad that he's staying here to run the kingdom.
Luckily my mom was okay with leaving him because they hadn't been on the best terms lately either therefore she's looking at it as a "vacation away from him" which I didn't mind. I needed it too.
Snapping out of my thoughts I picked up small conversation with Mulan as we waited to arrive at the airport.
After an hour of laughing, gossiping and discussing what we thought it'd be like in the kingdom we finally arrived.
Opening the door we all stepped out and walked toward the private jet that awaited us.
Walking up the stairs of the private jet I was in awe , the interior was absolutely beautiful.
Walking to the back I seated myself next to a window.
Reclining my seat back I made myself comfortable.
Looking up I seen my mama approaching I sat up straight and gave her my undivided attention for it wasn't polite to be slouching while an adult spoke to you.
"I just wanted to make sure you were comfortable and not having any second thoughts." she said sitting next to me while patting my thigh
"Yess I'm quite comfortable and no second thoughts I'm actually excited." I said smiling at her
"Great that's what I like to hear. Well I better go sit up there and get ready for take off , I'll send Mulan back to you so you won't be bored back here. Okay?" she said getting up
"Yess ma'am sounds good." I said nodding
"Okay I love you." she said kissing me on the forehead then walking back up to the front to be seated.
I adored the relationship we had although she was quite critical and was pressuring me about finding a husband I knew that she meant well and it was apart of our family tradition. Married before you turn 18 and many many men of the old kingdom tried hard to choose me as their beloved but I was not interested in anything they had to offer and believe me it wasn't much they had to offer. If you know what I mean.
I was still a virgin and it'd stay that way until I was married. Also until I found the right person and we were in love because I definitely want my first time to be special.
Snapping out of my thoughts Mulan approached me sitting next to me.
"What were you thinking about? You looked deep into thought." she said leaning her seat back facing me.
I bit my lip and decided to tell her because she of all people would understand.
"I was thinking about marriage and finding the right one." I whispered not wanting this conversation to be heard by any other ears except hers and mine.
"Ahh I remember when I had to think about that. It comes with a lot of thought and stress. But you know that's of our people and you have to follow through with it." she said looking at me
"Yess I understand I just want it to be with someone right you know not just anybody but I'm running out of time and mama says if I don't find him soon then she'll be choosing for me." I said turning my head to look out the window
"I get it Nubia it's not easy but you need to take this short time into consideration you have 90 days or you know what happens." she said placing her hand over mine giving it a tight squeeze
I cringed at the thought swallowing the lump in my throat
"Yess ... I know." I said now looking down fighting back the tears that began to form.
I know all too well.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2021 ⏰

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