Chapter 12

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Lauren POV

"So? What'd they say?", she asked me impatiently shuffling her weight from one leg to the next. Her nerves were too cute to not chuckle at. Although, if the outcome of that conversation differed in any way, I'm pretty sure that last thing I would be in the mood to do is laugh. 

"Relax Camila, everything is fine", I said resting both my hands on her shoulders, forcing her to stay still and look into my eyes. If my words didn't fully convince her, I'm sure my eyes did the rest of the work for me. I felt her muscles relax under my touch and I couldn't help but release a relieved breath that I didn't know I was holding in. 

"Can I ask you something?", she said to me looking down at her feet. That's the thing with her. When she's with me, she is either looking up at the ceiling or down at her shoes. Why is that? Either way, it's cute. Her expression forced a smile to show itself on my face.

"Of course", I said using the pads of my thumbs to massage her shoulders. I began to think that my hands were becoming too comfortable on her shoulders, so I slowly retracted them. 

"I just wanted to know...if I know, g-get a hug? It's okay if you don't want to. It's j-just that today has been so cra-", I cut her off by throwing my arms around her waist. Even though I was taller than her, I preferred to have my hands around her waist. It gives a certain rush of dominance in some way. 

Once again, my touch seemed to calm her down rather quickly. At first, she didn't respond to the   hug, she was probably too startled by my burst of affection towards her. In a way, I wanted it to. She finally reciprocated by placing her arms around my shoulders and resting her head in the crook of my neck, steadying the pace of her breath. In the silence that enveloped our surroundings, along with the slight sway our entangled bodies endured, I heard every deep intake of breath she made, like she was trying to capture all of me, with her nose and mouth. 

"Thank you", she said not moving from her current position. Her hot breath hitting my neck with the sweet melody of her voice, sent cold shivers down my spine. What the hell was that?

"For what?", I asked furrowing my eyebrows in slight confusion. 

"Everything", she said moving her head up and turning it to look up at me. 

"Well, I haven't done anything really're welcome", I said giving her a reassuring smile, in which she quickly reciprocated. 

"Trust me, you have done more than you know", she said rather matter-of-factly, slightly rolling her eyes at my obliviousness. 


Camila POV

I know what I meant by that, but I wasn't sure if I wanted Lauren to know just yet. I have to figure out my feelings towards her first before I do something stupid. 

"People often tell me that", she said to me with dominance and arrogance lacing her voice. 

All I could was roll my eyes at her. My reaction to her caused her to laugh at me. She brushed some hair behind my ear and looking deep into my eyes, like she was trying to find something. What was she looking for? Her eyes. They were a nice light green, almost transparent, the complete opposite of what I saw in her orbs just earlier today in her room. 

She grabbed the sides of my face and pressed her mouth to my forehead, giving me a kiss that I didn't even know I longed for. Her action caused yet another involuntary closing of my eyes. I let out a relieved breath. All of this, just from a forehead kiss. 

"I better get going", she said pulling away from me completely. As she pulled away from me, I immediately missed the closeness of our embrace and longed for it once more. Just her touch made me feel more safe than anything has ever done to me before. I tried to hide my disappointment behind a fake smile. This feeling was new to me and I had no idea what to do with it. 

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