Quite an odd man...

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December 14, 2016

"Oh, my, god...OH MY GOD!!" hearing the screaming from the doorway, the man looked away from the decaying bodies to the doorway, seeing him over the children, he dropped the ice pick, and seeing the scared and bitter look on her face, he realized...he realized what he had done. "Honey ple-" "Get away, GET AWAY FROM ME!" his wife running out the door, he need her to see why he murdered them...it was for a perfectly good reason anyone would understand.

Running from her husband, the wife used her legs like she never thought she could, she wanted to escape from this nightmare, this terrifying nightmare. Why would he do this, why did he kill the small innocent children, the children he himself raised and cared so dearly for. It didn't make any sense.

"PLEASE COME BACK BABY, PLEASE!" realizing he was going to chase her, she tried to run even faster, but the pain was too much for her fragile lungs, and cold, stiff legs; "BABY, PLEASE LISTEN, I HAVE AN GOOD EXPLANATION!" "GET AWAY FROM ME YOU, YOU PSYCHO FUCK!"

Catching up and grabbing onto the back of her shirt, he made the crying woman trip and fall back onto him, losing her balance. Crying and kicking at him, she tried to escape his bloodied, icy hands, worrying for her own life. "Baby please I can explain!" "How can explain murdering our own children in our fucking home!" "it was for the greater good, you bitch!" Hitting his wife in the head so much as to make her bleed, he dragged her body through the snow, deciding on what to do with her. Maybe he should tied her up and bash her over the skull, maybe he'll cook the children and forcefully stuff it down her throat, choking her, painfully to death. So many options, so little time.

December 15, 2016

After disposing the bodies, what was he to do now? Continue the slaughter or hide away from humanity, wondering if no one will care about his disappearance? Maybe...maybe he can continue, maybe he can saw and scar their soft, fragile skin while hearing the gurgling sound of blood being choked on. It was too thrilling for any ordinary man.

Who would be his next victim? Who will have their delicious flesh ripped from their white, pale bones while screaming for anyone, even god to help his prey, but luck was always on his side. How do you think he got away from the murder scene? How do think he was able to get away with murdering two children and an expecting mother? It was luck, it was pure, confident luck. The world say not to rely on fate, but as you know, this man was different.

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