Baby Rescue: Goblin Hunt

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Fuzz crawled across the floor of the farmer's kitchen. He scrambled up the leg of the kitchen table, and soon spotted the farmer. He was sat in a kitchen chair with his head back and his eyes closed, snoring loudly. Fuzz looked at him and tried not to laugh; what a daft farmer the Dawnia farm animals had. Now that he was sure that the farmer was not going to be a problem, he dashed back outside. Once he was back outside in the farmyard, he quickly took in the scene around him. Bert and Carla were stood, not far from the barn, gaping at the goblin who was stood by the gate; a hideous, yellow creature. Worst of all, Fuzz spotted the two polar bears just outside the barn doors with baby Caroline in their arms, wailing and crying.

"Good work my polar bears," Hoblit grinned. "Now, we've got what we came for; let's get out of here."

The polar bears- Thunder and Lightning- ran over to Hoblit the goblin, and the three of them fled away from the farm, with the baby in their clutches.

"Maddie!" Bert shouted.

"Never mind blaming Maddie, let's get after them!" Carla said, and she ran out of the gate after them.

Bert glanced back towards the barn, before running after Carla. Maddie came out of the barn cautiously. She noticed Bert and Carla running away from the farm and, after a quick glance towards Dack, she followed them in the chase.

Fuzz ran over to Dack and then climbed up his body so he could perch on the pterodactyl's head once more. "Quick, let's get after them!"

Dack opened out his wings and was about to take off. Then he stopped and closed his wings again. "Why?"

"Because they just ran away, didn't you see?"

"Yes but... do you know these animals?"

"No," Fuzz told him.

"Well then what's this got to do with us? We could go back to my cave, eat some cheese and-"

"A baby has just been kidnapped!" Fuzz said. "We've got to help if we can."

Dack didn't move for another second. Then he nodded. "Ok then." And he opened out his wings and took off. From his position high in the sky, it was easy to see the chase down below.

"We have a good view from up here," Fuzz said.

"Yeah, you get used to that," Dack said.

"No, I mean a good view of the chase," Fuzz said. "I'm sure you're not used to that."

"Oh no, Hoblit seems to be heading towards the forest," Dack realised. "We won't have a very good view if they go in there."

"Spooky Wood," Fuzz said.


"That's the name of the forest. Spooky Wood. Come on, let's go and meet the farm animals at the edge of the wood."

So, Dack swooped down and landed at the edge of the wood, just as the farm animals were approaching.

"Oh," said Bert. "You two are back."

"We're going to help you," Fuzz told them.

"Thank you so much, we need all the help we can get," Carla said. "But who are you both?"

Dack and Fuzz shared their names with the farm animals, who did the same in return.

"Now, as you no doubt saw, Hoblit and the bears have taken Caroline- that's the baby pig- into the woods," Carla said. "We're going to have to follow them in there."

"I hate to suggest it, but I suppose we should split up so we can cover more ground at once," Bert said.

Carla nodded in agreement. "That would be the best idea. Now, does anyone actually know their way around these woods at all?"

Creatures of Dawnia: Baby RescueWhere stories live. Discover now