Part 7

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It's official. My country lies in total disarray. District 12 no longer exists. It lays under miles of rubble. But I'm stuck below it all, wondering if and when President Snow will attack us. He's not stupid. He probably knows that Katniss Everdeen is here; his number one enemy.

With all the ammo District 13 reportedly has, why aren't they doing anything? Maybe we're just waiting for the right moment to show ourselves. I've kept all my things packed up- just in case. Until then, I've become a temporary citizen of District 13. It's hard to believe all these people have grown up down here. Do they ever get to be outside?

Because of my skills with electronics, I was assigned into the newsfeed room. A secret rebel within the Capitol made this connection possible. Beetee, thankfully, has recovered enough to work alongside me. My heart aches when I see him rolling around in a wheelchair. I don't know if his condition's permanent. I don't want to ask.

"Hey," I say meekly as we settle into our desks.

"Don't know how I feel about this underground life. Hopefully, I can go back home when it's safe."

"I hope we all can."

"They brought my family down here," Beetee informs me. "What's left, anyhow. Mother and Beck. Did I mention that?"

I give him a faint smile. Soon, we're joined by several other people, and the room gets crowded. Boggs, Plutarch, Haymitch, Katniss, Finnick Odair, they're all here. Even District 13's President Coin. Our goal tonight: broadcast one of the propros we've filmed. Surprising nobody, Beetee succeeds in getting it out.

However, the Capitol prevails.

Caesar Flickerman introduces... Peeta Mellark. This isn't the first time we've seen him on Capitol TV since his capture, but he looks infinitely worse. He's not the golden-haired boy I saw in his tribute interview last year. Two Hunger Games have taken a toll on him. That's not including whatever the boy's endured at the hands of the Capitol. He begs for all the violence to end.

"That poor boy," Beetee mutters, shaking his head.

Of course, Caesar asks Peeta if there's anything he'd like to say to his beloved Katniss.

Peeta looks up with a haunting stare. "Katniss, how do you think this will end? No one is safe. Not in the Capitol. Not in the districts. They're coming, Katniss. You in District Thirteen... You'll be dead by morning!"

I see Peacekeepers working to restrain him. And the screen goes black. Though I try my hardest, it won't return. My stomach drops. Peeta's warning rings in my ears. Across the room, I watch Haymitch talk with Plutarch, and President Coin. I hear snippets of their conversation. They're debating whether to run an air raid drill.

Sirens blare, with an automated voice telling us to retreat farther underground. Beetee and I head over to Plutarch, but Plutarch shakes his head.

"You sure you don't need me?" Beetee asks.

"Yes, I'm sure, Beetee. Get moving! You're too valuable."

I grab the handles of Beetee's wheelchair. Immediately, he starts pushing the wheels by himself.

Okay. Message received. Plutarch, meanwhile, stays behind with President Coin and a select few people. No doubt they'll be launching a counterattack.

The rest of us march downstairs, to the emergency bunker. They're prepared for anything here. Amid the chaos, I find my family. All we can do is huddle together, while bombs rain down from above. I think President Snow knows that District 13's security is airtight. That nobody will die.

He's just fond of games.
Any day now, the rebellion will storm onto the Capitol. I just know it. We've been training for weeks, and I found that I have a pretty good aim with a rifle. Will I be able to end someone's life, if it comes down to that?

I feel like I'm becoming a tribute.

One morning, I hear a knock on the door. When Aunt Opal goes to answer it, Boggs waits outside, dressed in full combat gear.

"Is it time?" she asks.

"Yes, ma'am. All of you who trained, pack up. I'll let you say your goodbyes."

He goes back outside as we make our preparations. Ruby, Uncle Smoky and I are the ones who must leave. The rest of them are needed here. Not in the thick of everything. I'm glad they'll be safe- especially Selene and Delphy. They're the ones I know best, who've been with me the longest. Which means leaving them is even harder. They live in another compartment, and Boggs allows me to go there. When I embrace Selene, I hold onto her tightly.

"I'll keep you all in my thoughts," she whispers. "Be strong, for Raphael."

"For Raphael," I echo.

I hope these aren't my final moments with her.

Walking to the hovercraft garage, we're all silent. But we move with purpose.

"Is there any way the three of us can be together?" Ruby suddenly asks Boggs.

"I'm sorry, but that's not possible," he replies. "Cressida's got her name down for Katniss Everdeen's squad."

As I expected. Even as we battle, Plutarch wants us to film.

"Smoky and Ruby, though, you two have been put on the same squad."

My mother and uncle give each other high-fives. It warms my heart, which is just what I need in these uncertain times.

I'm heading back to the place where I was raised, and yet, it'll never be the same city that I grew up in. Not after this war ends. We don't know how many people will survive. My life could be over soon.

But if I die, I'll know I died fighting.

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