Chapter One

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Okay first off I wanna thank Rose_Wolf_ for helping me edit the summary! Also you should definitely go check out her amazing books!!!  

Also if you've read the  original please do not spoil the book for others!

Third Person POV

"Moon you've gone mad! You cant possibly go through with this!" he spoke, bewildered at the goddesses mad plan.

"I can and I will. Its just an experiment, I just want to see whats going to happen." the Moon Goddess said calmly as she linked the two lives together. 

"Moon. Stop this. You're only going to hurt your creation." he warned gripping the woman's arm. 

"Release me this instant! Who do you think you are coming into my kingdom and telling me what to do?!" 

"That's my son your pairing your creation with. This is going to catastrophic. You're going to destroy your creation!" he snapped back.

"You're being ridiculous everything is going to be fine." she said brushing off his warnings. 


Atticus POV

I dangled from the ceiling by steel cuffs that wrapped around my arms that tingled with numbness. The Alpha walked around my suspended form, amusement twinkling in his eyes as blood trickled from the wounds he inflicted down to my toes. My head rested on one of my numb arms, pathetic whimpers leaving my mouth as the room began to spin.

"Whats wrong Atticus? Losing too much blood?" I heard the Alpha chuckle darkly.

I looked at him through half lidded eyes, my breathing shallow as I watched him hold the silver knife in his gloved hand. He pressed the tip of the blade to my skin, a scream leaving my lips as I felt my flesh sizzling beneath the touch of the metal.

"Worthless pup." he spat, plunging the knife into my stomach.

I screamed in agony, my head thrown back at tears of pain spilling over the brims of my eyes. I could feel my insides burning from the blade, A bubbling and sizzling feeling forming below my flesh. Slowly the Alpha pulled out the knife and let it drop to the floor, his cold black eyes watching me as I gasped for air and curled my bony fingers around the chains that connected the cuffs to the ceiling.

"I think that's enough for today don't you? I'll see you tomorrow Atticus." the Alpha chuckled, leaving me dangling in my cell.

The hours seemed to tick by slowly, my blood slowly draining from my body. The only sound i could hear was the sound of water dripping from an old pipe.

"Look at you," I almost cried out in misery as the familiar raspy voice filled my head. "still hanging on I see?" the voice chuckled. "Pun intended."

This voice filled my head 24/7, taunting me as I suffered from the abuse. Where it came from? I had no clue. All I knew was that it wasn't here to be my friend, it was here to mentally torment me. It came an went as it pleased, not caring what condition I was in. I let my head fall forward, tears tumbling down my cheeks as the voice teased me.

"Pl-please leave alone." I whispered hoarsely.

"Oh but Atticus you are alone. You can die here, hanging in a cell and nobody would care." he snickered.

I let my head fall, my chin resting against my chest as tears slipped down my cheeks.My cell door slammed open, a sob ripping through my chest as I heard his footsteps come closer. I just wanted this torture to end, I wanted all the pain to end.

"Mate." a unfamiliar gruff voice grumbled, my head raising to meet golden colored eyes.

His warm hand came up to grip my cheeks, tingles formed where our skin meet causing a gasp to slip past my lips. His emotionless golden eyes scanned my face, my breath caught in my throat as i took in his handsome features. I watched his lip curl upward in disgust and just like that my hope shattered.

"I, Sylis Black, reject my mate." he spat as he glared at me.

A scream of pain ripped through myself as every bone in my body began to scream in agony. I screamed until I lost my voice, my hands griping the chains above me until my knuckles became white. With teared blurred vision I watched the man leave, slamming the door shut behind him.

That was the last thing I saw before the pain became too much too bare and sent me plummeting into a world of darkness.


I wish I could say when I woke up that everything felt numb, but it was the complete opposite.

Every fiber in my body screamed in pain, there was a pounding ache behind my eyes and all I could do was hang there and wait. Wait for the next beating, wait for the Moon Goddess to answer my prayers and end my suffering.

The rusty squeak of the cell door caught my attention, yet I couldn't find enough strength in me to lift my head. I soft gasp of shock echoed around me, bouncing off the walls.

"Oh Goddess. Who would do this to a child?" A soft motherly voice whispered, sorrow lacing every word.

I heard the woman walking away, and I allowed her too.

The throbbing behind my eyes seemed to grow more fierce, a whimper of pain slipping past my lips. I heard the woman's breathing catch in her throat, a groan of pain slipping past my lips.

Her ear piercing scream echoed through the air, making the pounding in my head worsen.

"Jackie?!" A man called out, worry clear in his voice.

"Er-Eric!" She cried out.

The sound of pounding footsteps grew closer as black spots began forming in front of my eyes. To say I was scared was an understatement. I didn't know these people, I didn't know what these spots taking over my vision were.

"Jackie?! Are you okay? Are you hurt?!" 'Eric' said, his deep voice laced with worry.

"I-im fine b-but he made a noise. H-hes alive." 'Jackie' whispered fear in her voice.

"Honey, I think its your mind playing tricks on you. I knew I shouldn't have brought you here." The man said softly." Come on let's go home okay?" He asked.

"No its not my mind. He's alive Eric." She whispered, the sound of shuffling feet growing closer.

"Sweetie?" She called out softly, worry in her voice.

I only whimpered in response, my body beginning to feel weightless as dark spots consumed my vision, sending me into a dark abyss.

The Warrior and The Omega { BoyxBoy} Rewritten Where stories live. Discover now